>Dear Mrs,sire, I would like o know about acupuncture points for pephigus treatment. > thanx in advance > Vahid
I have a patient who comes in for shoulder pain however, he has massive sweating (mainly underarms) at any time of the day - without exersion. He has had this for "most of his life." I know this can be Lung Qi Xu or Yang or Qi xu however, are there any other suggestions? He mainly complains of havi…
I am TCM practitioner and I have had a skin condition I have been unable to treat effectiviley. I get hives on my forearms and legs. I also have bouts of heat and itching with no rash on my scrotum. The hives occurs when objects are in contact with my skin such as a watch, tight shirt sleeve, or …
As a rather new acupuncturist I enjoy reading your page and hope you can help me. I have difficulties finding the rigth way to treat a 60 year old woman for hevy sweat that smells.She came to me with running nose and eyes (no cough) provocated by some vegetables (carrots, tomatoes ect.) and some sm…
Greetings everyone.I have a client who is just starting IV antibiotics for Lyme Disease. She has had it for 9 years or so, misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia so it seems. While I am tapping the pattern of blockages and have set up Tong Ren with laser and map pins, I ask if there is anything more I can ad…
I hit my elbow as many people have before but this time the pain that ran down my arm into my fingers has yet to go away after two weeks. I am certain that nothing is broken, torn, etc. However the pain is still very intense.Any accupressure (or other methods or ideas) to make the pain go away and …
hello, i'm wondering if you can give me some information on small black/grey blotches on the whites of the eyes. what are they? how do they arise? what can be done to lessen/remove them?thank you,tammy
Hi Chad, I have a patient who is paralysised from the neck down.We havent got an mri scan yet as he had a pacemaker in.The pacemaker is switch off and he going for an operation in 25th Nov for its removal.We shall have the results of the mri scan then to see exactly the damage. It is at C4- C5 wher…
can you give some points how to treat a 13 yrs old child, who had a fever before and now, he is having the ilnness of undesired to eat,, he did not eat for 2 days after he had a fever,, thanks,, rodneyTT
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