Lung Meridian Acupuncture Points Study

Locations and Functions Flash Cards

Lung Meridian Acupuncture Points Study - Location and Functions "Flash Cards"

Our site currently has acupuncture point location and function information for the 11 points along the lung meridian. You can use the following list of "flash cards" as a study tool by viewing the name, seeing if you remember the point location and/or functions, then clicking on the "location" or "functions" tab to check your answer.

To view all locations and/or all functions at once, use the "show/hide" buttons below.

6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, level with the 1st ICS.
  • Lung Front MU Point - useful for all LU Issues, especially of Excess Type - cough, wheezing, asthma.
  • LU disharmonies involving Phlegm/Heat excess arising from the middle warmer - vomiting, difficult ingestion.  

6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, below the clavicle in a depression medial to the coracoid process.
  • Similar to LU 1 but used more often as a local shoulder point.
  • Cough, asthma, tension in the chest.

3 cun below the axillary fold on the radial side of the biceps brachii tendon.
  • Window of the Sky Point, regulates head/body Qi flow - goiters, swellings in the neck.
  • Lung related spirit disharmonies - stress induced asthma, poor memory, fuzzy/muddled thinking, depression, "floating corpse ghost talk", "melancholy crying ghost talk" (classical descriptions possibly for seeing ghost, talking about ghosts a/or people who have died, being in constant long-term grief about someone who has passed, etc.).
  • LV invading the LU pathologies.
  • Generally for heat related issues whether from excess or deficiency - nosebleed, coughing blood.

1 cun below LU 3 on the radial side of the biceps brachii muscle, on the LU 3 to LU 5 line.
  • Local Point.
  • May be used for cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, heart pain.
  • Pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm.

At the cubital crease on the radial side of the biceps brachii tendon.
  • He Sea Point - useful for counterflow Qi/diarrhea, hot skin conditions, phlegm-heat excess.
  • Acute/Chronic or Exterior/Interior Conditions.
  • Upper body edema, enuresis.
  • Local point for the elbow - tendonitis, tennis elbow.
  • Classically noted for the 5 types of Lumbar Pain - possibly the upper body equivalent of UB 40.
  • Main treatment point of Kidney Sho pattern (with KD 7 and LU 8) - in Japanese style Five Phase treatment protocol.

7 cun above LU 9 on the line joining LU 5 and LU 9.
  • Xi Cleft Point - for Acute attacks of OPI's, usually wind-heat or wind-dry - cough, wheezing, asthma, sore throat.
  • Dry hacking cough, especially at night.
  • Local point for pain along the meridian, especially at the joints.

1.5 cun above the wrist crease, superior to the styloid process of the radius (not on the LU 5 - LU 9 line in TCM). Japanese LU 7 is found proximal to the styloid process and it is on the LU 5 - LU 9 line.
  • Exterior Wind - body aches, chills/fever, runny nose, scratchy throat, sneezing.
  • Internal Wind - bell's palsy, twitching, spasms, lockjaw.
  • As Master Point of the CV, paired with KD 6 of the Yin Qiao Mai - treats genitourinary and gynecological issues also Yin deficient sore throat.
  • Command Point of the Head and Posterior Neck - useful for any conditions involving these areas.
  • Pain of the thumb - Luo Connecting Point spreads over the thenar eminence.

1 cun above LU 9 on the line joining LU 5 & LU 9.
  • Not as broad of an effect as LU 7, still useful for expelling wind, tonifying Qi and Yin.
  • Pain in the area of KD 1 - plantar fascitis.
  • Wrist pain - carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Main treatment point of Kidney Sho pattern (with LU 5 and KD 7) - in Japanese style Five Phase treatment protocol.

At the wrist crease on the radial side of the radial artery.
  • Tonify LU Qi and Yin - cough, asthma, wheezing, SOB, chronic runny nose w/watery discharge.
  • Palpitations.
  • Wrist pain, arm pain along meridian.
  • Hui Meeting Point of the Vessls - circulation issues, clarifying an indescernible pulse (for diagnosis).
  • Main treatment point of Lung Sho pattern (with SP 3) - in Japanese style Five Phase treatment protocol.

On the radial aspect of the 1st metacarpal at the midpoint of the bone at the junction of the red and white skin.
  • Clear Excess or Deficiency Heat from the LU Channel and Organ.
  • Sore throat w/excess heat.
  • Reckless bleeding from heat.

.1 cun posterior to the thumb nail on the radial side.
  • Extreme sore throat (may bleed point to reduce heat).
  • Revival point especially from wind-stroke.

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