The coronavirus is currently appearing in the US and has spread well throughout large parts of the world. As time has passed since the first cases in China, we are starting to see the viability and effectiveness of a variety of western and eastern treatment options. As with many diseases and imbala…
Acupuncture and associated techniques such as moxibustion, cupping, electroacupuncture and tuina medical massage is often used for a range of pain related conditions. While clinically results have been easy to observe for generations, the understanding of the underlying mechanisms for how it help…
Tinnitus is a common complaint seen by Chinese Medicine practitioners, particularly as many western treatments have poor response rates. There are cases where structural abnormalities exist and these are difficult to resolve with any method, however, many cases exist without a known etiology. Wit…
Glucosamine Hydrochloride (HCL) is often recommended for the management of joint pain by many western and alternative practitioners from various disciplines. Glucosamine has shown somewhat mixed results clinically and within studies but is generally considered safe and at least somewhat effective.…
Acupuncture and related Chinese Medicine techniques are commonly used to treat a wide range of digestive and bowel related medical conditions. Irritable bowel syndromes is a commonly treated condition within many acupuncture clinics around the world as western treatments are often limited or undes…
Researchers for the University of Colorado recently conducted a study looking at the beneficial effects of acupressure (technically Jin Shin Do) on patients with mild traumatic brain injuries. Researchers used a system called Jin Shin Do (one of many systems of acupressure) for treatment. Th…
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