Tinnitus is the perception of ringing and/or sounds in the ear. The severity can range from mildly annoying to disabling. It affects over 340 million people worldwide and appears to be increasing for a not entirely clear set of reasons. Military personnel, factory workers, and others with noise…
Persistent vegetative states (or "unresponsive wakefulness syndrome") arise following brain damage leaving the patients in a state of partial arousal. While potential outcomes will vary depending on the causal factors, after 3-6 months chances for a complete recovery are considered low and genera…
Acupuncture is often used at varying stages of pregnancy and the birthing process. Commonly treated conditions include morning sickness, back pain, breech position and aiding with labor itself (among many others). There are a number of studies that have established the effectiveness of acupunctur…
The beneficial effects of acupuncture on improving outcomes during western chemo cancer treatments have been well established in both clinical outcomes and in research studies. The reductions in nausea and/or vomiting from chemo are very beneficial not just from an obvious viewpoint, but many time…
There are many treatment methods within Chinese Medicine and acupuncture theories and over time practitioners tend to gravitate towards certain methods more than others based on what they have seen effective for various conditions. In the following study researchers from the acupuncture and moxibu…
Tinnitus is a common complaint seen by Chinese Medicine practitioners, particularly as many western treatments have poor response rates. There are cases where structural abnormalities exist and these are difficult to resolve with any method, however, many cases exist without a known etiology. Wit…
The acupuncture point KD 3 is a widely used point to build the energy of the body. The point may be used to strengthen the qi, yin and yang of the kidney system which may aid conditions ranging from asthma and fatigue to low back pain, ankle pain to nightsweats, tinnitus, anxiety and headaches, am…
Researchers from Germany recently conducted a study looking at the effects of qigong for the treatment of tinnitus. While there are a number of causes of tinnitus from a Chinese Medicine perspective a common cause of acute tinnitus is something we call Liver Yang Rising - this is the very loose …
To continue our foray into a better understanding of Chinese Medicine and its usefulness within our lives, this article will explore the five element system - or the "system of correspondences." This article is in many ways a proper follow up to our recent discussions of each of the main organ sys…
The second in a series demystifying Chinese Medicine Theory for Patients and the General Public Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) provides us with unique and illustrative ways of looking at our health and relationships between ourselves, others, and our environment. This series of articles is par…
The first in a series demystifying Chinese Medicine Theory for Patients and the General Public Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses a variety of unique terminology to diagnose and treat a broad range of health issues. In this series of articles I am going to discuss some of the more commo…
Not getting enough sleep? This is a common problem in many parts of the world, perhaps more so in western developed countries where overwork and lack of rest are often seen as the way to obtain success in your career. Many are aware, at least at a gut level, that poor sleep and lack of sleep are…
I write often about dietary change and the health benefits of improving this arena of our lives. I write about it often not because the subject is overly complex, just that it is difficult for people to change habits. For some eating is just what they do at certain times of the day or when they …
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