Kidney Yin Deficiency

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Kidney Yin Deficiency Is Referenced In 60 Forum Posts

What is the best method to use to get back to sleep after awakening in the middle of the night? (ie: 2:30 am) and needing to use the restroom. Deep breathing, visualization using acupressure points are some methods I have read about. I also have a Sun Alcon chi machine. Using it around 9 pm caus…

My husband suffers from heat exhaustion ( even if he is only in the sun for 15 minutes and even if he isn't in extreme heat). He has flu like symptoms, headaches. He also "runs warm" during 50 degree weather. He is depressed from the sun! Can acupuncture help regulate his body temperature?

For most people I know, their energy levels dip and stress levels peak during wintertime. Although, for me it is definitely during later spring and lasts sometime throughout summer (especially in hot weather). Tends to feel better by mid July. Every year, I have extreme malaise, low energy, am very…

Submitted By: vegapunkOr will it be too much for your system and it's better to take just one long term?

Submitted By: yoohoopetuniaHello, I have been struggling with adrenal fatigue that progressed into adrenal exhaustion for 2 years. After trying several nutritional remedies and trying dhea supplements (to no avail) decided to try accupuncture. Had my first session and was told she was going to …

Hello I came across some information on a forum website about the use of Chuan Xiong (Szechuan Lovage Root) in the treatment of Dupuytren's contracture - (thickened palmar fascia causing bent fingers). Could anyone tell me if Chuan Xiong (Szechuan Lovage Root) is suitable for treatment of this cond…

I have had a wide range of strange symptoms for the past about ten years. I once wrote out all of the issues I had to hand to my GP, and the list wound up taking up a page and a half. The symptoms that trouble me the most are the neurological and cognitive issues; I feel very brain fogged and just …

Is it possible that I am allergic to natural herbal medicine(s)? I have been under acupunture treatments for anxiety+depression and tinnitus since May, 2012. During this time, I've been taking various herbal pills for tinnitus, anxiety+depression and insomnia. The first ones are Er Long Zuo Ci Wa…

Hello. This last year, I have experienced more palpitations than I ever had. I sought help with Western medicine and nothing was found. During my research I cam across posts from the Mayo Clinic that suggested Acupuncture so I started treatment with that and the herbs. Although the severity of them…

How condact together at the same time the treatment of the patient with the deficency of both kidney yin and yang qi ?

Hi, I have double problems with my tinnitus. I have had acupuncutre and I have also had a TCM doctor, but they could not help me. In fact, the TCM doctor I had just changed my herb medication when it went good, which instead made the sounds worse. I lost faith in him, so now I have decided to try t…

Submitted By: TheSpaceHello to all! Its nice to see a forum like this. I have a question i would like to ask. It concerns moxa or moxibustion. I was reading a book which stated that Moxa is as good as needles if not even better in certain ocassion, but its main disadvantage is the fact that it c…

For my whole life I've suffered with severe facial flushing and excessive sweating. Over the last year I've been seriously looking into finding a remedy, but so far my efforts have yielded nothing. I was hoping someone here could help me. First I should mention that I'm slim, and reasonably fit (…

Could you suggest an acupressure point for Sjogrens Disease - an autoimmune disease

Hi there - going to try to keep this short and sweet, as I know most of us suffering from tinnitus have the same concerns, complaints and questions... I'm 29 years old. Over the last year, I've experienced a bunch of odd symptoms. It started with my belly. Food wasn't digesting. I was diagnosed w…

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