Phlegm Misting The Heart

Related TCM Herbs

Phlegm Misting The Heart Is Associated With 2 TCM Herbs

Opens the Orifices and Transforms Phlegm - Seizures from high fevers, strong psychiatric illnesses, loss of consciousness and/or very muddled thinking, tinnitus, deafness. Stagnant energy in the chest, abdominal distention, bloating. Wind damp related arthritis.

Opens the orifices, revives the spirit, unblocks closed disorders (a wide variety of problems that impair consciousness) - heat entering the pericardium, convulsions, delirium, stupor fainting, closed disorders, tetanic collapse, phlegm collapse, seizures. Invigorates the blood, dissipates clumps,…

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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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