Stomach Qi Deficiency

Related TCM Formulas

TCM Herbal Formulas Associated With Stomach Qi Deficiency
Stomach Qi Deficiency Is Associated With 0 TCM Herbal Formulas

Fatigue, lethargy, sensation of feeling heavy or cold. Low appetite, bloating, borborygmus, loose bowels. Impotence, infertility, low libedo. Insomnia, night sweats, vivid dreams, nightmares.

Respiratory issues from lung qi and yin deficiencies - chronic cough, wheezing. May be used for damage from longer term illnesses and/or the overuse of wind clearing formulas for colds/flus - nightsweats, spontaneous sweating. With the right underlying patterns a range of respiratory and coronary…

Dry mouth, dry skin, dark or scanty urine from yin and fluid deficiency. Fatigue, shortness of breath, and spontaneous sweating.

A modified version of the base, zhi zhu wan, which is used to treat qi stagnation and food retention from qi deficiency.  This modification includes herbs which add more movement and damp drying. Distention and fullness in the epigastric area - bloating, indigestion, gastritis, gastric prolapse. …

Xiao Ke (wasting and thirsting syndrome), qi and yin deficiencies of the kidney and spleen most commonly seen in the advanced forms of diabetes type II - excessive thirst, excessive urination, strong hunger symptoms, weight loss. Cloudy urine especially with detectable sweet scent.

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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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