Summer Heat

TCM Diagnostic Pattern

Summer Heat TCM Pattern Connections

Below you will find various relationships to the concept of and potential approaches for summer heat.

Summer Heat is one of many possible underlying factors from a TCM perspective for health issues such as .

The above issues are common examples. In clinical situations, however, there are any number of other possibilities. Many times there will be a layered combination of issues intermixed from a variety of causal patterns in TCM terms. While initially complex, this is illustrative of the the web of relationships that Chinese Medicine is designed to approach.

General TCM Diagnostic Signs

Tongue: Red.
Pulse: Rapid, Empty.

Treatment approaches are often akin to unravelling an onion, with the goal of resolving the root factor involved in the constellation of resulting issues. The current and historical array of issues and signs must be taken into consideration as well as the timing of the onset of each individual aspect.

Related Acupuncture Points

Some acupuncture points are considered "empirically" related to a specific diagnostic patter or condition. While this would rarely, if ever, dictate the entire composition of a treatment, the following points should be considered, possibly even more so within the context of acupressure:

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