Massage & Qi workingI’m a big fan of Acupuncture but more-so of acupressure needling somehow just seem so impersonal and clinical to me! A drastic short cut, a supplementing of the real needs for attention and change. Epically considering that...
Quite prolific, you two have’ in your “debate” provided suchGreat bunch of resources and advice, thank you.Secondly I’d like to share something more to the pointof this guy’s questions “how” does He avoid being overwhelmedby other’s energies. “Sapped”So I thought...
I admire your pro active approach (Leapingfrog) thanks for the (Lu-9) point location. Shiatsu calls for lots of stretching and extremity shaking flexing and connective soothing (making nice) strokes after the trigger & other deeper tissue point work.Some other Pro-actice...
Don't have your answer, but I do know that (TMC) that of the Gates (all joints) of the bodyThe neck connects the Head & the Spine. (the Central nerves system) And with pressure point Shiatsu "Swiping, & patting or slappTapping)...
Throughout the body all things needed by the body that are created by the body, are made better faster in greater numbers when an extra modicum of support is added to the energy matrix(s) surrounding and with in the body....
Miofasshel release massage then anothe hot soak.
I'v see cupping frow blood and bruse many times so safice it to say extreemaction probly leftto emergencys use. Say it cupping is extreem and likely to cause extreem reactions?
I'v see cupping frow blood and bruse many times so safice it to say extreemaction probly leftto emergencys use. Say it cupping is extreem and likely to cause extreem reactions?
Cupping is a percussion stroke in massage that brakes - up congestion,stagnation,& slugish energy/blood. Applyed by firmly pounding W/fingers formed in a cuppThe reason I bring it up is' also that TaiChi a self-defence style of exercising systum (Standing w/feet...
Cupping is a percussion stroke in massage that brakes - up congestion,stagnation,& slugish energy/blood. Applyed by firmly pounding W/fingers formed in a cuppThe reason I bring it up is' also that TaiChi a self-defence style of exercising systum (Standing w/feet...
I understand that bakingSoda is antiFungal? Its safe to try anyway?
Beer is clasafied as Yin, & I find it to be a sleep aid, So as far as Self ,medacatingHe sounds on the money!(try Alo) for cooling.As for resting better' have them look into breathing practices (Kuntalinie) to beSpacific. Its...
With hands-fingers pointed in opposite directions place one on the a-forehead & one on the back of the head press & hold in 2-4 min. intervals. no more than 20 min. per day. Famous for-post traumatic stress syndrome release (a...
Holding tension in the shoulder area is as common place, as holding it in the low- back & or the head.The Governing vessel is more than an average meridian,it’s energies are dispersed “as needed” throughout all the other channels. As...
(Yin or Yang) sounds like’ the perfect candidate to learn and practice (Qi or ChiGong). specifically because of Her tendency to have an umbrella of symptoms cascading’ especially the low pressure(s) fatigue and many weakness symptoms. Energy workers, like taichi,...
I might interject that the lower elixir field or lower burnerIs thriving on the Yin Yang energy flow originating at the knees, as a serpent climbs a poll.And activating the lower burner or “(the original Tantian)” Besides the presence of...
A daily practice of building & moving Chi is an alternative way for your body to feel well treated re-enerjized, light hearted, and for all spirits to become upLiftedWhen it comes to Chi its not so much what it is,...
WahTsSup??? mi piccalillis' my response has grown'I've polished my presentation considerably!Tips:Work energies downWards - From Head & neck), towards feet, (Down&OuT)Work energies from body's center towards sides & down at (chest & Back)., & extremities (Out&Down). Movng energies otherwise (Builds...
Keep a galf ball or two near the bed Stand & roll on top of themuse it to massage palms of hands & feet are 4 of the 6 (main Qi gates)Keep the 8 (extra ordinary Vessels) fully Charged because...
What’s Chi Massage; Good1 BobWe all eat sleep "& breath for the sake & hope of incurring fresh Chi, "energy; Massage too is about Chi!qi movement do have' a (more) and or less-productive' protocols of strategic approach for maximum results.I...
As one of the most vital of all life forces breathis a worthy topic to be explored.Further, our breath is the most intimate connection/-communication tool we have with the universe.One might say that our breathing is our universal identity.Considering that...
I.e. regulating one's energies is a scienceperfected by the mantra chanting yogies andgurus of tha ashroma sociatys as a clearic ance my self.I know it can be done Hare Krishina & Rama are allgreater pleasher objects naturally than aney body...
Its understandable to me’ how lower body energy balance/strength could be a concern! Its as if' an even greater strenth pervails although beyond our comprehention?..If you can't beatum join um!I would say’ integrate a Yin qi` practice more as a...
I am definitely upset with any pragmatic allopathic who speculatesthat the ancient Tao or (nature’s way) is not transcendental and divineand is subjected to the gross body's superficial epithelia membrane density.It is my experience from Qi-gong is that Chi is...
Toxicity has been found to be the major culprit in regard to brain function. So detoxification i.e. diet and exercise blood circulation to the brain, hormone balance, stress management and a brain healthy regimen. I.e. Learning memory and meditation exercises...
As a body worker I too turn towards enhancements in the circulatory & kinneaceollogy i.e. aspects of the muscle bone, sinus connection systems. Specifically the Mio-fossil-release method of stretching and holding sinus it the hyper extended position for several minutes...
I like Dreaming’ although I don’t have any superstitions about them like some people, who think that there is some extra special insight to be gleaned from them, but I generally enjoy my dreams. In fact if I knew how...
Research the science of Taoism they often suggest that they not only understand how to become impregnated but also how to determine/choose what genderthe child will likely be, by picking even or odd days etc. Ps. the concept of peacefully...
Hi I don’t wish to encourage extreme intensities for someone who already seems nearly over enthusiastic, but’ I learned when studying as a cleric many years ago that sometimes the most powerful things you can do to unblock and unlock...
Self Help tutorials and wellness programs.Learning to breathe properly provides-creative health benefits for a lifetime.By activating the all-natural vital life force within (Chi) or Qi, deep breathing isa foremost healing (Panacea-cure all).Hi my name is Walter CloudFollowing are activates involved...
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