"Info2" Profile

and activity at the Yin Yang House

Profile and Activity of "Info2"

"Info2" They joined us in 2021.

6 Most Recent Public Forum Comments by "Info2"

Raw Food Energetics, Are All Raw Foods Damp Cold? (8/2013)

"Turns out the Asian concept that all raw foods impart cold and dampness is not entirely true"You may have misunderstood the Asian concept. Raw foods are on the whole Colder than cooked foods - cooking adds Heat. But it also...

Looking for acupuncture points for elbow bursitis (8/2013)

The discussion up to now has been mainly on channel points, but for any condition of this kind, don&#39t under-estimate the importance of ashi points.Palpate the surrounding area, including up and down the arm, for tender points, and needle them....

Confused about expansion/contraction foods connected to yin/yang (8/2013)

Your confusion about yin/yang contracting/expanding is common. According to Chinese Medicine theory, yin is contracting, cooling, downwards etc and yang is expansive, heating, upwards etc.However in Chinese Dietary Therapy the terms yin and Yang are rarely used to describe food...

Diet changes to help acne (8/2013)

A consultation from a practitioner is definitely the way forward... It&#39s too complex to give any specific recommendation here.Having said that, a couple of simple things you could try.... In my exprience both coffee and dairy products can contribute massively...

Can acupuncture treat body temperature imbalances (8/2013)

It definitely can! As Chad says, it sounds like your husband has aYin/Yang imbalance. Yin is everything in the body that&#39s cool, calm and collected, and Yang is Warmth, activity and drive. Sounds like there&#39s a Yin deficiency, and possibly...

Needle size for facial Acupuncture (8/2013)

15mm needles should be fine for the face. As thin as possible will reduce the risk of bruising. Always use the highest quality needles, too - I use seirin &#39J&#39 type, which I find excellent. Plastic handled (Japanese) needles are...

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