I've been having acupuncture treatments (with moxa and cupping) for nearly 10 years and fairly regularly. ST 40 point has always been a very tender spot for me and very often bleeds. What I am wondering about is that after...
I was wondering if you may have some helpful suggestion concerning tendency towards bleeding (nosebleeds, bleeding hemmoroids) when the weather is rather uncomfortable. I am also experiencing low blood pressure. Is this toxicity or simply uncontrolled heat? Thank you kindly
For most people I know, their energy levels dip and stress levels peak during wintertime. Although, for me it is definitely during later spring and lasts sometime throughout summer (especially in hot weather). Tends to feel better by mid July....
My spouse was prescribed by his family physician to supplement with garlic nearly every day as a cardiovascular health tonic (he is fairly healthy although had bordering high LDL cholesteral levels & heart disease runs in his family). The problem...
Hello .....could you please suggest some effective blood builders? I get typical blood xu symptoms (itchy skin/wind, light headness) before and around my period and would love some suggestions as to what to take or eat and during what time...
Hello, I was just curious to know if it is common at all for someone to have a reaction following a cupping treatment. This isn't my first time having it (moving cup, not the blood letting type one). I think...
Hello, I was just curious to know if it is common at all for someone to have a reaction following a cupping treatment. This isn't my first time having it (moving cup, not the blood letting type one). I think...
I was wondering what is the best way in a woman to treat liver yin vacuity and long standing/chronic gallbladder weakness that would not trigger or aggravate wind damp(is not presently having wind damp symptoms, but is prone to have...
I would like to know which grains are okay to eat during summer while experiencing symptoms of damp heat and/or damp wind heat? Is Amaranth okay? Corn/Polenta? Which type of couscous (wheat) is recommended - white or whole wheat or...
Hello....I have been meaning to ask this for awhile, but thought it might be a question without answer really or just a stupid question. I have had pain for nearly 9 years now down my LEFT arm, elbow etc. and...
I was wondering what the best stand-alones herbs or simple formula are that gently tone(heart) blood and enrich jing and yin. Would one of the ginsengs or longan/Long Yan Rou be useful?
Whenever I get a breakout of Eczema, it has usually been after too much sun. So, this is NOT the case now. I am also having recurrent ringworm on the inside fold of my arm/elbow despite using antifungals. Plus, I...
Hello...I am wondering which milk alternative is least likely to cause or aggravate dampness. Rice milk, Hemp seed milk or Soybean milk? (These are the three that are readily available for me to purchase). I often use coconut milk for...
Could you make some suggestions/guidelines in terms of diet choices (everyday foods, spices etc. ) when it comes to disharmony of liver and stomach that will NOT aggravate heat in small intestine? Thank you.
When I use acupressure at home for neck & face pressure and ache, I seem to find relief with ST 11, ST 12 and LI 17. So, why is it acupuncturists (three of them anyway) will ignore my requests to...
I apologize in advance if this particular question has been asked before, I did not see anything on the board. So, I am about 10 hours into the first day of my period and I am having very, very intense...
Hello.....I have been receiving acu txs for quite awhile and it doesn't seem to be helping me with the broken capillaries that I have which keep getting more and more discomforting. I started to get them when I was 18,...
Hi there......just wondering if one might offer me some dietary advice. I would like to know what I ought to be eating more of to aid in correcting a wood imbalance keeping in mind that I do not tolerate energetically...
Hey ......just wondering of anybody may have some insight/thoughts? It's been some time and I still have bruising and tenderness at a few spots. Not too sure if the spots are relevant, but the ones with the largest bruising are...
Yeah, I seldom bruise easily. Just had blood panel done less than 3 months ago and everything looked fine. She said she uses both Japanese and Korean needles. They do not hurt upon application although some points as I mentioned...
Chad ....thanks for your reply.I have been seeing the same the practitioner for over 2 years now. She is not new.I am seeing her mainly for chronic pain issues primarily to do with a couple of spinal issues of which...
I do use peppermint (along with german chamomile blended) eo for headaches and pms and yes, it is usually effective.Thanks for all of your tips!! : ) I do have some horsetail loose herb in my pantry.
Chad ......Yes I was mostly curious about this in broader terms.So thanks kindly for your expertise and input. It's interesting to learn how our systems adapt (or don't) to transitions.<h5>My Dad who has multiple allergies and asthma is also not...
FYI - Too much water at one time can exhaust your kidneys. Cold/iced water causes stress to the spleen. Strong coffee too, can be too much for the kidneys and yin-yang balance. Talk to your TCM Practitioner. I've worked in...
Thanks for those rec's Rebecca.Does that cider vinegar thing really work? I was repeatedly told to not to go overboard with sour foods as it overstimulates and exhausts my liver. ?
Thanks Chad. I have had no luck at all getting him to see someone. I see a acupuncturist regularly, but he feels it isn't for him. lol. Think he is stopping the garlic for a time now anyway. I just...
(Chad ....hope you don't mind me butting in here)....but as someone who advocates in the mental health field, I would like to ask you inringsuperstar that if you are experiencing acute psychosis, do not abruptly go off of your prescriptions...
Thank you Chad for your advice. I've been ovo-vegetarian for 10 years, although I am an educated one knowing not to rely on cold foods, juices etc., and replacing amino acids etc. To be honest, I feel healthier especially in...
Yeah, perhaps that is the case. Thanks for responding! I am still feeling very, very drained after all this time. Have had some time off of work and have 2.5 hour "naps" in the late afternoon cause I feel totally...
Yeah, perhaps that is the case. Thanks for responding! I am still feeling very, very drained after all this time. Have had some time off of work and have 2.5 hour "naps" in the late afternoon cause I feel totally...
Hi Chad, that is part of my query. I would like to know the best way to treatLIver Yin Vacuity +(chronic) Gallbladder weakness, without aggravating or triggering wind-damp? What would you suggest?
Yes, that is all. As my acupuncturist who I see a few times a month has done my tongue & pulse diagnosis and explained what is happening, but she doesn't prescribe herbs. I usually get the information I need on...
Thank you for your response. I will avoid buckwheat.Another question - I have barley, the regular barley and something called job's tears from the Korean supermarket. Job's tears is the one recommended for middle burner dampness?
I appreciate your insight, Chad. : ) Interesting that it in fact, may be from my neck. Xrays from both a medical doctor and chiropractor showed degeneration from C7 to T5.(plus at coccyx) I also have minor scoliosis C-shape mostly...
As a non-practitioner, I just would like to comment that finding an acupuncturist who specializes in women's issues will be worth your money. I have known so many couples whom after 4 months or so resolved these fertility issues with...
Thanks so kindly for your input. That's a very interesting take on things, Simon. I didn't think to look at it that way. My acupuncturist did give me some herbs to take over 4 days but I have to say...
Thank you so very much for your sharing of medical knowledge and advice.....I know it will help. I never knew that about mornings being connected with one's Yang..very interesting.: )
Thanks so much for your most detailed suggestions. : ) I will adhere.As noted my tongue only appears wet at night. Just another question - could this be part of the reason then that I feel so fatigued upon waking...
Tongue is pink, slightly red in middle, red at tip (it's always red at tip), slight white coating in middle back/base/intestinal area, otherwise looks a little peeled. No swelling. It looks wet before going to bed. Pulse seems floating. That's...
Hello and thanks for your very helpful replies.I tore some muscles in my chest which are starting to heal, then I had a bad flu which refuses to go away (sore throat anyway) and have been feeling run down. I...
In terms of restorative yoga, I find plow pose (anytime) and legs-up-wall pose & it's variations (before bed) really useful to balance our energetic poles. Do not stay in plow for long however if you have elevated blood pressure. Straddle...
Hey there....just wanted to share that I have been slowly getting control of these same empty heat symptoms by using guidelines for eating for Heart Yin Deficiency. Perhaps have a look at it. Of course, if it is has been...
Apparantly, the chronic rash around my chest is likely due to lung yin def and/or stasis around my chest.Since I began to get visible broken capillaries under my chest and wrapping around my back when I was 17, I am...
I see. Thanks for your advice!
Thanks guys. I do feel pretty good though other than the skin issues that seem to be popping up.
My initial inclination is that it is some sort of damp state (or wind) coming to the surface as the weather here has been rather damp as of late, so I have taken upon my own wellbeing to avoid all...
Hi Lorinda...I do not think I have tried almond...it has a bit of it's own natural sweetness so I can see it being quite nice with tea.I also wanted to share, and again this is just my own experience, I...
Kind thanks for your wisdom folks. : ) Sometimes when there is pulsating pain, a quick fix makes people able to get on with their day and work and I suppose that is where I am coming from.
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