I am an acpuncturist and herbalist wondering what anyone would have to say about lower lid severe eye twitches? Just a general inquiry, sort of like how back and knee pain might be KI or bloating is SP. Does anyone...
Thanks for being curious- but I feel compelled to suggest that after hearing my patients stories and reading articles/news about health care accross the board- your best bet is to:1. Hire an acupuncturist2. Refer out to oneToo many MD's want...
Was there no change before/after the surgery? I wonder if it's one of those weird ligaments in the pelvic floor or something that attatches to the related painful verterbra? Have you traveled to a place the specializes in pelvic pain?I'm...
I'm having to completely agree with Chad. Your pain is stemming from your back or glutes.I would see an very good massage therapist or acupuncturist again. If there's a language barrier with the one you saw- maybe check in with...
Yep. No biggie. In fact, maybe fate says it was meant to be there and you got some free extended treatment!!There are even what's called small dermal needles that barely puncture the skin for this exact reason.
I sometimes recommend a native English speaking practitioner. This may ruffle some feathers but language barriers and cultural clashes with Americans vs pain thresholds and treatment styles can be harshly different. I'm not sure which you saw but I'm simply...
I certainly don't have the answer as to why you have such lasting symptoms, but I can share with you this much-I had a colleague needle the crap out of my hamstring once and she accidentaly whaled on my sciatic...
"surround the dragon" technique?And if it's stasis, incorporate qi/blood moving points (4 gates etc)Sp 9, St 40- phlegm.
Submucosal fibroids are not a womens friend for fertility. You should find out where it is in the uterus- the location of this particular type of fibroid is important for fertility. Your doctor should know this and have a discussion...
I love topical Ju Hua or a chamomlie tea bag topically on them. Works really well and quickly. If you can add lian qiao that can help too.
Personally, I think people say "detox" when it may or may not be the situation. The bottom line is, we ultimately don't always know. There are plenty of times where it's mostly a result of the individual doing a very...
I would seek another Dr. or Planned Parenthood in the are if you can. Not sure what area you are in but non-profit clinics can also be really great as well if you have them, these places buck the "traditional"...
Have you tried CO Q 10?Valve prolapse may be worth investigating, where blood flow is able to flow a bit backwards in the chambers, or even in the vessels. They can give you 30 day monitor I think too? Even...
I often refer my clients to see a psychotherapist if they aren't already. Talk therapy paired with acupuncture is a huge benefit. To echo Chad, there cannot be an "expected" outcome and I often find results vary in efficacy and...
I would address the consitution here too.Is the liver controlling the muscles too taught? Maybe she's xu in blood and yin/qi? Anxiety, consitpation can point to that.If you can get her on herbs, that would be ideal too.
I had someone pass out on me when I was needling them. It was when I was still in school interning.He worked in construction and it turned out after working all day and he hadn't eaten. I now tell all...
I too had a client that developed tinnitus. Adult male, and it began recently when he got braces. I couldn't make a dent with acu or herbs. It's actually getting better now that he got his braces off. His dentist...
i actually have this.Nothing, diet, herbal etc has helped. I didn't get it until my 30's, which seems to be trending more. It def seems to flare up and calm down with my cycle.But the only thing that has worked...
I do a lot of local needling for this too. And investigate the lower back as well.For repeat pain, consider this persons gate, are they a runner? Footware, how are they sitting etc. for this to come back. Patches are...
I have treated this with a lot of success. I use ahi points, and flanking the achilles with about 6 needles- 3 per side. Then maybe palpate the calf and see how tight it is up there. The gastrocs may...
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