I have chronic fatigue of deficent type, with yin fire flaring when I do too much exertion; I also have poor appetite. I tried Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan and Ginseng capsules, yet they don’t give any effect. In case...
Cucumber and pineapple are extremely cold foods and may make you feel chilly.
I added you on Skype.
[quote]It would be instructive to know how you feel between 07.00 am and 09.00 am and 9.00 and 11.00 a.m. when the Stomach and Spleen are at their respective high points.[/quote]I feel sleepy, stagnated, unable to work out, lazy. Just...
About diet, I did read in your other thread that you stress eating grass fed meat and no grains, isn’t it?
Thanks, do you have specific formula for me? Note that I’m very sensitive, so dosages should be small.
Dear Fujiyoko, So which blood tonics should I take? Is Zhi Mu (In Suan Zao Ren Wan) good for yin fire? Should we use dampness removing herbs at all? (I think not, and no Qi dispersing things like Chen Pi,...
Yeah, through many tries I figured out that in case of severe weakness, and with knotty disease, it is better to not take herbs at all. I think Chad could agree with it, by reading the recent thread about Yin...
I think Run Chang Wan, which is rhubarb, is too strong for deficient inviduals. I tried so many things and they made me only worse, I think I will stick to Qigong practice for now. Thanks for help.
Sandra_John: If that’s the case the next question is, is the heat an excess heat or are we looking at Stomach Yin deficiency? I’d identify the digestive and constipation signs more carefully e.g. is there heat on defaecation or any...
About tongue, here is a photo: https://s21.postimg.io/fiyuv9gxj/tongue.png Pale skin, pale nails. Bad digestion, constipation. Sleep usually good. Spontaneous perspiration. Tired after food. Belching. What pain in the chest - not sharp, but generalized. Pulse is strong, fast, superficial. I tried...
But I don’t have more symptoms. I’m weak and tired, especially after food. When I overexert myself I have hot palms and feet. I have feeling of emptiness and pain in the chest. I have no appetite. I have psoriasis...
OK, I won’t take pills. I will just keep low oxalate diet with B6 and Lysine. [quote]Why are you exercising with blood deficiency? [/quote]I didn’t have such big blood deficiency before taking these herbs. I don’t know if they do...
I actually supplement this formula with Ginseng Tabs from Swanson, not raw herb. It is quite cheap in this form. Update: I think this formula eats a lot of blood, because on yesterday’s kung fu I had to interrupt the...
I tried the formula today. It didn’t weaken me like Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan. I regained some appetite, I’m a little sleepy, probably regenerating. Energy level a bit better. Though my stamina is low, I feel that my yuan...
I can’t seem to find Timed Release B6 in my country, only B Complex, (and P5P) would it be OK?
Thanks I will try that. But wouldn’t just one kind of B6 be enough?
What about earlier prescription that you posted in the thread? Also, my shop doesn’t provide Gu Ya or Mai Ya [quote]Tonics Bai Zhu 9 grams Cang Zhu 9 grams Dang Shen 15 grams Huang Qi or Zhi Huang Qi 15...
Thank you for all information. So should I take standard B6 vitamine and lysine caps? Should I expect candida die off with this herbs?
Would cardamom (Sha Ren) be good for me? I tried small dosages of it, but with no effect. Still no appetite.
Interesting that you used term Gu. So this spleen dampness is candida or something like that? About dredging the liver, I think it is very deficient, so I will remove Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan and take proper herbs in...
I already ordered a week load of herbs according to your formula, however they cost a lot and I can’t provide full price for several months, so I’m looking at pills alternative (they are cheap in my country, and high...
Thank you, I will try that.
Thank you for answers. Here is my reply: Stephen: As for moxa I would recommend only using distal points like ST 36 or SP 3, not using any points on the abdomen. Why not abdomen? Can you include a picture...
On my own, but I’m a practitioner myself. I have pale tongue with white coat.
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