Kidney Meridian Acupuncture Points Study

Locations and Functions Flash Cards

Kidney Meridian Acupuncture Points Study - Location and Functions "Flash Cards"

Our site currently has acupuncture point location and function information for the 27 points along the kidney meridian. You can use the following list of "flash cards" as a study tool by viewing the name, seeing if you remember the point location and/or functions, then clicking on the "location" or "functions" tab to check your answer.

To view all locations and/or all functions at once, use the "show/hide" buttons below.

On sole, in depression with foot in plantar flexion, at the junction of the anterior 1/3 and posterior 2/3 of line connecting base of the 2nd and 3rd toes with the heel.
  • Descends excess from above, useful for LV Yang Rising or LV Fire - headaches, tinnitus, hypertension, epilepsy.
  • Cooling KD empty heat - chronic sore throat, dry mouth, low back pain.
  • Tonify KD/HT Yin - insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, poor memory, mania, rage w/desire to kill, hot flashes, night sweats.
  • Loss of consciousness, yang collapse.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to descend the energy in the body particularly after qi gong exercises, energy healing sessions, etc. Useful for headache, nausea, insomnia, etc.

Anterior and Inferior to the medial malleolus in a depression on the lower border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone.
  • Generally useful for clearing excesses & acute presentations.
  • Ying Spring Point - clears heat, especially KD empty heat - chronic sore throats, irritability, night sweats, thirst.
  • Lower abdomen/sex organ/genital issues - Irregular menstruation, uterine prolapse, seminal emissions, impotence, genital itching and/or pain, difficult urination.
  • Wasting and Thirsting Disorder - thirst, dry mouth.
  • Local point for foot problems - swelling and/or pain, restless feet.
  • KD related emotional imbalances - fear of being apprehended, fright.
  • Moxa to tonify KD Yang.

In depression midway between the tip of the medial malleolus and the attachment of the achilles tendon.
  • Tonify KD Qi, Yin or Yang Deficiencies from any etiology.
  • Asthma from KD Deficiency - difficulty inhaling.
  • Tonifies Yin of KD (chronic sore throat, empty heat), LV (dizziness, tinnitus, headache) a/or HT (anxiety, insomnia, excessive dreaming).
  • Tonifies Yang of KD (impotence, premature ejaculation, seminal emission, weak low back/knees, frequent urination).
  • Low back pain, usually of a chronic nature.
  • Local point for heel a/or ankle pain.

Posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus in a depression anterior to the medial attachment of the achilles tendon.
  • Luo Connecting Point - can be used to treat the LI (opposite the chinese clock).
  • Important point for somnolence, fright/fear, palpitations, reluctance to interact with others.
  • Cough, asthma, wheezing, shortness of breath, painful/sore throat.
  • Chronic low back pain from KD Deficiency.
  • Local point for heel/ankle issues - pain, strain.

1 cun directly below KI 3 in a depression on the medial side of the tuberosity of the calcaneum.
  • Generally nourishes Yin and Blood and moves the uterus.
  • KD related menstrual issues, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea (pain/cramps), delayed menstruation, sensations of oppression below the heart (possibly at onset of menstruation).
  • Uterine prolapse.

In a depression below the tip of the medial malleolus.
  • Sore throat from any etiology, especially empty heat from yin deficiency.
  • Other Yin Deficient throat related issues - swollen, dry, loss of voice, difficult swallowing.
  • A range of menstrual issues such as amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, infertility from cold in the uterus, leukorrhea.
  • Genital issues (shan disorders) such as swelling, itching, seminal emission and/or involuntary erections in men.
  • Constipation from Yin Deficiency.
  • Plum Pit Qi.
  • Nighttime epilepsy, insomnia, disturbed sleep with nightmares, yin deficient symptoms such as hot hands/feet, night sweats.
  • A range of anxiety disorders, fear/fright.

2 cun above KD 3 on the anterior border of the achilles tendon.
  • Tonifies KD Yang, especially with respect to water regulation - sweating (too much or too little, spontaneous), swellings, urinary issues.
  • Oedema, especially chronic effecting the abdomen a/or lower legs.
  • Five types of Lin Disorder - resolve accumulation of damp a/or damp-heat.
  • Diarrhea, abdominal distention, hemorrhoids, constipation.
  • Low back pain from deficiency a/or stagnation.
  • Main treatment point of Kidney Sho pattern (with LU 5 and LU 8) - in Japanese style Five Phase treatment protocol.

.5 cun anterior to KI 7, 2 cun above KI 3 posterior to the medial border of the tibia.
  • Issues of movement and mobility of the medial aspect of the lower limbs, ankle, heel - sprains, pain

5 cun above KI 3 on the line drawn from KI 3 to KI 10 at the lower end of the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle.
  • Strong spirit disorders - anger, cursing, mania.
  • Deficient yang, cold, in the abdomen - shan disorder, hernia, pain a/or retraction of the scrotum.
  • Useful in a detox prescription to assist the cleansing, especially with respect to emotional outbreaks

On the medial side of the knee joint between the tendons of semitendinosis and semimembranosus.
  • Clears damp or damp-heat in the lower warmer - urgent/difficult urination, genital pain/itching, leukorrhea, uterine bleeding.
  • Main treatment point of Liver Sho pattern (with LV 8) - in Japanese style Five Phase treatment protocol.

5 cun below CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 2.
  • KD 11, KD 12, KD 13, KD 14 & KD 15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for abdominal a/or gynecological issues

4 cun below CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 3.
  • KD 11, KD 12, KD 13, KD 14 & KD 15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for abdominal a/or gynecological issues

3 cun below CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 4.
  • KD 11, KD 12, KD 13, KD 14 & KD 15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for abdominal a/or gynecological issues

2 cun below CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 5.
  • KD 11, KD 12, KD 13, KD 14 & KD 15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for abdominal a/or gynecological issues

1 cun below CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 7.
  • KD 11, KD 12, KD 13, KD 14 & KD 15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for abdominal a/or gynecological issues

.5 cun lateral to CV 8.

2 cun above CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 10.
  • Local point for abdominal and colon pain and functional issues.
  • Diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain.

3 cun above CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 11.
  • Local Point for abdominal and intestinal issues.  
  • Pain, hiccups, vomiting, harmonizes stomach.
  • Fertility issues involving stagnation in the lower warmer.
  • Abdominal pain following childbirth.

4 cun above CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 12.
  • Local point for abdominal and intestinal pain.
  • Vomiting, reflux, nausea, bloating - harmonizes stomach.
  • Fertility issues, primarily by moving blood stagnation in the lower warmer.

5 cun above CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 13.
  • Local point for abdominal and digestive issues.
  • Mania, epilepsy, palpitations, mouth/tongue deviation/swelling - largely through resolving phlegm.
  • Chest pain, coughing, wheezing.

6 cun above CV 8, .5 cun lateral to CV 14.
  • Local point for abdominal and intestinal pain and functional issues.
  • Reflux, vomiting, food stagnation, dystenary - harmonizes stomach.
  • Liver stagnation affecting the breasts - insufficient lactation, breast distention.

In the 5th ICS 2 cun lateral to CV 16.
  • Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing

In the 4th ICS 2 cun lateral to CV 17.
  • Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing.
  • Vomiting - harmonizes stomach.

In the 3rd ICS 2 cun lateral to CV 18.
  • Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing.
  • Breast distention - moves qi stagnation in the chest.
  • Palpitations, abdominal bloating, panic attacks arising from digestive issues.

In the 2nd ICS 2 cun lateral to CV 19.
  • Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing.
  • Vomiting, reflux, digestive issues - harmonize stomach.

In the 1st ICS 2 cun lateral to CV 20.
  • Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing - useful for phlegm stagnation.
  • Digestive issues, nausea, vomiting - harmonizes stomach.
  • Steaming Bone Disorder.

In a depression on the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun lateral to the CV line.
  • Opens & relaxes the chest - asthma, constricted breathing, cough, chest tightness.
  • Tonify KD Deficiency leading to adrenal exhaustion - fatique, lowered immunity.
  • Local point for neck a/or jaw issues - pain, tension

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