SI 16

Acupuncture Point Theory

SI 16 Acupuncture Point Applications and Theory

The acupuncture point "SI 16" , 天窗, is represented by "Tian Chuang" in pinyin and "Celestial Windows" in english and may be found:

On the lateral side of the neck, posterior to the SCM and LI 18, level with the Adam's apple.

Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:

  • Both SI 16 & SI 17 are Window of the Sky Points and are useful for throat distention, swelling, goiters, lumps in neck a/or throat, voice issues.
  • Ear issues - tinnitus, deafness, pain.
  • Local point for neck and/or shoulder problems.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the vertebral artery and the occipital artery.  Useful for occipital headache, alzheimer's, brain tumors, dyslexia, MS, and many brain issues related to circulation. Often used with Tian Dong as a starting point. 
  • Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.  

Si 16 has the following theoretical associations which serve as important guideposts in designing an effective treatment protocol:

Explore si 16 functional grouping theory - Sky Window, or read all point categories and related theory.

SI 16 may potentially be used, in coordination with a well designed acupuncture treatment protocol, to influence the following conditions: Alzheimer's Disease, Goiter, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Neck Pain, Parkinson's Disease (PD), Sore Throat, Thyroiditis and/or Tinnitus

While not necessarily valid clinically, EX Bailao ( Lung issues - cough, dyspnea, asthma. L…), EX Tian Dong (Note:  This point is not a standard acupuncture p…), EX Yi Ming (Sleep issues - insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep.Ey…), LI 18 (Window of the Sky Point for sudden loss of voice …), ST 5 (Local point - Pain a/or swelling of the cheek/jaw…), ST 6 (Eliminate wind from the face - TMJ, toothache, Be…) and ST 9 (In ancient times the ST Qi was assessed by palpat…) are nearby.

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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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