Promotes the downward movement of Qi, reduces stagnation - food stagnation and qi obstruction w/epigastric and abdominal distention, belching, acid regurgitation, constipation. Expels damp, promotes urination - edema, dampness in the stomach and intestines.
Drains heat and purges accumulations - high fever, profuse sweating, thirst, constipation, abdominal distention and pain, delirium, yellow tongue coating, full pulse which indicates intestinal heat excess or yang ming stage illness. Drains heat from the blood - blood in the stool from bleeding hem…
(See Gua Lou) - clears and transforms phlegm-heat, expands the chest. Moistens the intestines - constipation due to dryness along with other heat signs. Expels pus and promotes healing of sores (mastitis) - an adjunctive herb.
Tonifies liver and kidney, nourishes blood, augments essence - yin and/or blood deficiency w/dizziness, blurred vision, prematurely grey hair, weakness in the lower back and knees, sore limbs, insomnia, nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge; neither cold, drying, nor too cloying. Re…
Invigorates blood and dispels stasis - amenorrhea, wind-damp painful obstruction, traumatic injury. Clears heat and resolves dampness - damp heat jaundice, turbid vaginal discharge. Drains heat, transforms phlegm - cough due to lung heat, constipation. Discharges toxins - burns, carbuncles (topi…
Clears the vision and expels wind-heat - itchy, red and painful eyes, sensitivity to light due to wind-heat (stronger action in clearing liver-heat/fire than Qing Xiang Zi and Mi Meng Hua; also nourishes kidney yin and liver yin). Moistens intestines and unblocks the bowels - dry, chronic constip…
Moistens the lungs, stops cough - dry cough, coughing blood. Augments stomach yin, generates fluids - dry tongue and mouth. Clears heat and eliminates irritability due to yin deficiency or a warm-febrile disease in the ying level - particularly when symptoms are worse at night. Moistens the inte…
Expels wind-heat (acrid), benefits throat - fever, cough, sore, red, swollen throat. Clears heat (bitter, cold), relieves toxicity, vents rashes - red swellings, carbuncles, mumps, acute febrile rashes, early stages of measles with incomplete expression. Moistens intestines (rich plant oil - slip…
Tonify kidneys, strengthen yang - reproductive and urinary disorders such as impotence, spermatorrhea, urinary incontinence, posturinary dripping, cold pains in lower back and knees. Warms womb - infertility, excessive uterine bleeding, leukorrhea from cold deficiency. Moistens instestines - cons…
Stops coughing and wheezing, redirects the qi down, dissolves phlegm - cough and wheezing w/copious phlegm, especially for difficult exhalation, stifling sensation in the chest. Moistens the intestines - constipation due to dry intestines.
Clears Heat, Cools Blood. Bleeding, fever, dry mouth, purplish tongue. Nourishes Yin. Particularly for the sequel of warm febrile disease with constipation, irritability. Drains Fire, Relieves Toxicity. Swollen, red eyes, sore throat. Softens Harness (salty), Dissipates phlegm fire nodules. Swol…
Breaks up Qi stagnation, reduces accumulations, transforms phlegm - epigastric or abdominal pain and distention or indigestion w/focal distention or gas. Directs qi downward and unblocks bowels - frequently used for abdominal pain and constipation by accumulation and stagnant Qi. Transforms phleg…
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