Pei Lan - Orchid

TCM Materia Medica

Pei Lan TCM Herb Classifications and Usages

The TCM herb "pei lan" which in english is Pei Lan herb"orchid", is categorized within the "aromatic herbs that transform dampness" functional grouping. It is thought to enter the spleen and stomach channels and exhibits acrid and neutral (ping) taste/temperature properties.

Dosages and preparations will vary according to each individual and the overall approach of a formula, but generally this herb has the following dosage and/or preparation guidelines:

  • Dosage: 4.5-9g

Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:

  • Aromatically transforms middle burner dampness - stifling sensation in the chest, nausea.
  • As it has a neutral property and doesn't cause dryness it can be used for damp-heat conditions - halitosis, excess saliva.
  • Summer heat with nausea.
  • Often used with Huo Xiang.

Pei Lan may potentially be used, in coordination with a well tailored formula (in most cases), to influence the following conditions: halitosis (bad breath) and/or nausea

As noted above, pei lan is within the aromatic herbs that transform dampness functional group. All the herbs in this category are listed below.

(truncated intro "... the concept of dampness indicates a damp pathogenic influence which causes stagnation in the middle warmer (i.e. the stomach and spleen channels). general symptoms are - distension and fullness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting or spitting…)".

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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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