Dr. Yoshio Manaka modified the traditional "front mu" acupuncture points based on his research and clinical experience. Manaka's mu points are most often used within Japanese Acupuncture treatments. The information presented below discusses basic theory behind the technique, guidelines for applying the technique and examples of clinical use. Some of the techniques listed here require significant amounts of training to be performed correctly and should only be performed by practitioners who have been trained properly.
Lung | LU 1 | Urinary Bladder | CV 3 |
Large Intestine | ST 25 | Kidney | GB 25 |
Stomach | CV 12 | Pericardium | CV 17 |
Spleen | LV 13 | Triple Heater | CV 5 |
Heart | CV 14 | Gall Bladder | GB 24 |
Small Intestine | CV 4 | Liver | LV 14 |
Lungs | LU 1 to LU 2 area |
Percardium | PC 1 |
Heart, Pericardium | CV 17 |
Heart | KD 23 |
Heart | At the sides of CV 14 |
Liver | LV 14 to GB 26 (usually right subcostal region) |
Gallbladder | GB 24 to GB 29 region (often one or both sides) |
Stomach | Both sides of CV 12 (including ST 21) |
Spleen | GB 26 to SP 21 region (often one or both points) |
Kidneys | KD 16 (occasionally GB 25) |
Triple Warmer | ST 25 (sometimes slightly lateral to ST 25 |
Upper Warmer | CV 17 |
Middle Warmer | CV 12 |
Lower Warmer | CV 5 |
Small Intestine | ST 26 (sometimes slightly lateral to ST 26) |
Large Intestine | ST 27 (sometimes slightly lateral to ST 27) |
Urinary Bladder | KD 11 |
The information on our site is drawn from our own lecture notes and clinical experience. The following lecture notes were used within this section:
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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