Liver qi stagnation signs - hypochondriac tension, abdominal pain, IBS symptoms Alternating chills and fever.
For blood stasis below the diaphgram - abdominal masses, liver and spleen masses/swelling, colitis. A range of liver disorders are possibly applicable - cirrhosis, hepatic hemangioma, hepatitis, jaundice. Spleen disorders - splenomegaly. Pleural adhesions. A range of menstrual disorders - fibro…
A range of pain related issues when they arise from qi and blood stagnation (both acute and chronic) - pain essentially anywhere in the body, bruises and swelling and other signs of stasis. May often be combined with other formulas which deal more with the root issues. Abdominal masses, fibroids,…
Abdominal and/or Hypochondriac pain, cramps or spasms resulting from liver qi stagnation. Alternating chills and fever. Nausea, bloating, acid reflux, alternating stools, or IBS like symptoms caused by the liver invading the spleen.
Primarily used for blood stasis with wind-damp in the channels and collaterals characterized by internal deficiency with external excesses - joint pain, muscle aches, numbness and/or pain in the lower extremities (may be severe). Wind-cold damp bi-syndrome (i.e. arthritis) - particularly in the lo…
Blood stagnation particularly in the head - migraines and/or headaches with other sensory factors - auras, sound sensitivity, etc. Dizziness, tinnitus, hair loss - with underlying blood stagnation signs. Stroke, seizure disorder, post concussion headaches. Rheumatoid arthritis.
Qi and Blood stagnation - pain, cardiovascular issues, physical organ issues. Coronary artery disease, angina and other cardiovascular issues. Hepatitis and other liver function issues. Migraines, headaches, neuralgia from most causes. A range of menstrual issues including dysmenorrhea, endomet…
An important formula for plum pit qi and related issues arising from qi stagnation (from many factors) - an oppressive sensation in the chest and/or diaphgram, gerd, reflux, indigestion, nausea, belching with a fetid odor. Gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, intercostal neuralgia, cholecystitis, chol…
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