Treatment of Leukemia with Tong Ren Therapy

blog post

Treatment of Leukemia with Tong Ren Therapy

Published on 05-19-2008

"ChadD" is an acupuncturist and lives in Minneapolis and has authored 367 other posts.

The following article, a reprint from Tom Tam, covers the treatment of Leukemia with Tong Ren Therapy.  For a general introduction to Tong Ren, please read the introductory brochure.

According to a report from the Leukemia Society of America, there were approximately 140,000 leukemia patients in the U.S in 1998. The overall five-year survival rate for leukemia patients is 42 percent. The five-year survival rate for leukemia has tripled in the last thirty-eight years. In 1960, the survival rate was 14 percent. People with acute leukemia usually die within months, while individuals with the chronic types may survive only a few years. The overall five-year survival rate for children with acute lymphocytic leukemia was 80 percent in 1998. In 1960, the survival rate was very low, only 4 percent. In 1998, 21,600 patients in the United States died from leukemia, approximately 12,000 males and 9,600 females, with an estimated 4,800 deaths from chronic lymphocytic leukemia and 1,300 deaths from acute lymphocytic leukemia. Chronic myelogenous leukemia accounted for an estimated 2,400 deaths and acute myelogenous leukemia accounted for another 6,600 deaths. Other forms of leukemia accounted for an additional 6,500 deaths.

In my professional life as an acupuncturist and healer, I have treated a large number of leukemia patients and the success rate has been very high. More than 90 percent of leukemia patients feel much better after one treatment. Compared to other types of cancer, leukemia is the easiest to treat and the success rate is the highest with the use of Tong Ren or Chi Gong therapy. I still cannot explain why energy healing is the most effective treatment for leukemia. Maybe it is due to the fact that leukemia affects only blood cells and there is no tumor involved. There is no need for the healing energy to work on any tumor cells; it only needs to revert the blood cell production back to a normal functioning state. I always feel very sad and sorry when I read stories in the Chinese newspapers about the possibility of young leukemia patients dying if they cannot find suitable bone marrow donors, especially with the knowledge that a bone marrow transplant may be made in vain, because there is no guarantee that it can save the patient’s life. There is a low percentage of success and the death rate for bone marrow transplant patients is quite high. I hope that the day will come when Tong Ren healing will become popular, and the lives of many leukemia patients will be saved.

Leukemia is a form of cancer involving bone marrow and blood. It is defined as an uncontrolled growth of blood cells. There are four types of leukemia: acute myelogenous, chronic myelogenous, acute lymphocytic, and chronic lymphocytic. The terms myelogenous or lymphocytic represent the type of cells involved. In Tong Ren healing, no matter what type of leukemia, the treatment is the same.

Acute leukemia progresses rapidly and results in the accumulation of immature, non-functioning cells in the bone marrow and blood. The bone marrow does not produce enough normal red and white blood cells and platelets. Anemia, a deficiency of red blood cells, develops in all leukemia patients. A lack of normal white blood cells hampers the body's immune system, and a shortage of platelets causes bruising and bleeding. Chronic leukemia progresses at a slower rate since it allows the production of a larger number of mature functioning cells.

Early signs of chronic lymphocytic leukemia may be fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, labored breathing, low-grade fever, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen due to an enlarged spleen, and night sweats. Bacterial infections such as skin infections, fluid in and inflammation of the lungs, and inflammation of the sinuses often occur. As the disorder advances, the patient loses the ability to fight off infections; the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes may steadily increase in size. With patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, there may also be invasion on other tissues such as the skin, eye socket, mucous membrane lining the inside of the eyelids, the lungs, and the sacs that line the chest, the heart, and the gastrointestinal tract. Swelling of any part of the body and a yellow pigmentation of the skin may also occur.

With Western medicine, the cause of leukemia is unknown as in the case of all other types of cancer. Leukemia may afflict anyone; it strikes people of all ages and both sexes. Although chronic exposure to benzene in the workplace and exposure to extraordinary doses of radiation may be causes of the disease, for most cases the cause is still unknown.

Although one knows the cause of leukemia, within my healing system, I have discovered one common phenomenon with patients with all types of leukemia - a blockage at T7 and T8 on the right hand side, as well as a big blockage on T1 on either side or both sides. I have treated some babies and children who had leukemia, and discovered that they had the same blockages as the adults, around T7 and T8 on the right side. From all of my examinations, I found that all leukemia patients have the same blockages, regardless of age and sex. Why do babies have leukemia? No explanation can be provided by western medical logic or philosophy. Can external factors such as chemicals, radiation, and viruses be causing mid-spinal blockages for infants with leukemia? In terms of my blockage theory, a blockage may have developed in a newborn baby because of an injury during delivery, or from its position in the womb during pregnancy. In the latter case, the posture could have an adverse effect on the baby’s health. After a Tong Ren treatment, a medical examination may confirm that the child or the baby is leukemia-free. However, most doctors would still recommend a bone marrow transplant and/or chemotherapy for the patient "just in case." Although this “just-in-case” treatment is risky, the family's unwavering trust in the doctor and fear often influence the decision for further medical treatments. Could children and babies refuse these treatments?

With leukemia, there is no tumor, but the blood cells are immature, meaning that the blood cells are being produced too quickly. It takes time for any type of cell production to take place. Otherwise the cells will develop immaturely. It is like wine not having been aged long enough. This problem could be the result of an overactive spleen and pancreas. The body needs activation energy or biological agents for the production of blood cells. In Chinese, we call this energy “Chi”. A deficiency in biological agents or Chi causes the production of immature blood cells. To check the flow of bioelectricity, we need to examine BL9 on the right side. As far as organs are concerned, we should check T1, the bone marrow point, and T7 and T8, the blood points. So far, all of my leukemia patients have blockages at these points.

Tong Ren is the best treatment for leukemia, but many patients would doubt this fact. We apply the Triple Warmer theory using the laser beam on the doll at the Middle Warmer point CV12 and/or on the right side. Before the treatment, we should observe the patient's complexion. Most patients would look pale. After two to three minutes, the color of the face should turn red, indicating a flow of Chi and the blood circulating. During the treatment, the patient should have an overall feeling of relaxation and warmth. This means that blood and Chi are moving within the body. If the patient feels weak, after ten minutes of laser beam directed to the Middle Warmer, we can turn the laser beam onto the Lower Warmer CV6 to charge the Lower Dantian with energy. Sometimes we can use the hammer to stimulate BL9 and T1 on the doll. This can open the medulla and cerebellum area, which is the passageway for bioelectricity. We should also check C1 on the left.

Treatment with acupuncture includes stimulating T1 and T2 mostly on the right-hand side, and also T7 and T8 on the right hand side, SP6, SP10 and LI 11. Besides Tong Ren Therapy, Chi Gong treatment and Pi Gu are additional treatments which can be used for treating leukemia. They can be used on their own or one can use a combination of Tong Ren, Chi Gong Therapy and Pi Gu. Tong Ren treatment for leukemia yields good results, but we still need medical examinations to monitor the progress of the healing. One should be cautious with the suggestion of acupuncture treatments. Even if one is a licensed acupuncturist, patients may not trust the needles, fearing possible infection. I have been using needles on all of my leukemia patients without any infections or complications. Chi gathers around the acupuncture points where the needles are used. This will in fact prevent continuous bleeding. Acupuncture needles are as safe as a surgeon's knife or a hypodermic syringe. However, some patients do not have faith in what we do, so we should respect the decision of the patients. If they fear the loss of blood from the use of acupuncture needles, we should use treatments without any physical contact, such as Tong Ren therapy, Pi Gu or Chi Gong treatment.

Diet is another important factor in treating leukemia, especially with most patients who consume diet sodas, which is not recommended. This only aggravates the situation. I highly recommend that patients increase the amount of red meat or any meat they consume, since the patient needs to replenish the blood cells lost from either leukemia or the treatments used to combat the disease. Many patients supplement their diets with a combination of various vitamins and minerals. It is better to correct deficiencies in the diet with whole foods instead of pills, but many people tend to trust pills more than real food. If we are certain that we have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, we may use supplements as a remedy, but this dependency should not last a lifetime long. Patients should consult a physician or nutritionist for dietary and supplement advice, and should not rely on advertisements or recommendations from health food stores.

Exercise is another important factor in the treatment of leukemia. Many leukemia patients are too weak to move, but they could meditate or practice a simple and easy form of Chi Gong (such as my Tai Chi Dao Yin Gong). If possible, gentle stretching around the T1 and T7 areas can help open the blockages. For a child, the parent or an adult can massage T1 and T7 about five to ten minutes a day.

With Tong Ren laser beam treatment for leukemia, we put the laser beam on ST21 (Rt) or T1. If the patient is willing to do Tong Ren on himself/herself, s/he could use the laser beam as a part of the daily healing. During each self-healing session, the patient should put the laser beam on for 15 to 20 minutes. During the laser beam treatment, the patient should be totally relaxed and should not be doing anything. Meditation, listening to my Chi Gong Healing CD (due for release early 2008) or meditating while listening to my Chi Gong Healing CD is all right. With or without the meditation or CD, the patient will receive Chi from the universe while the laser beam is on.

Tong Ren Discing can also be used to open blockages in the treatment of leukemia. Within the Tom Tam Healing System, T1 is linked with bone marrow, which is responsible for producing blood cells. With leukemia patients, we usually see a puffy area or some mark on the skin around the T1 area. Even a baby who has leukemia has the same blockage as an adult. When Discing is performed, the patient could sit down on a chair or lay down in a comfortable position. In order to do Discing, it is necessary to involve three or more therapists.

The first step is to put the disc on the top of the head covering GV22 and BL6 to activate the hormonal area. During the Discing session, the patient may feel warmth on the head, which may flow down to the arms or chest as a wave. The energy then travels downward inside the body. After a few minutes of opening up the energy flow in the head and charging the head with Chi, put the disc onto T1, which is the bone marrow point so as to open the energy blockage. When the disc is at T1, the patient may feel Chi flowing down the spinal column. The last step is to open the blockages at T7 and T8 and charge the area with Chi. Most blockages are on the right hand side. If a patient is undergoing chemotherapy or taking drugs prescribed by their doctors, we could use Discing on the kidney area (L2) to clean out the toxins. The whole Discing treatment takes 10 to 15 minutes.

This post has the following associations:

Issues/Symptoms: anemia, cancer, fatigue, fear, fever, leukemia, pregnancy

Acupoints: cv 6, cv 12, gv 22, li 11, sp 6, sp 10, st 21, ub 6, ub 9

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "anon82924"
on Sep 2022

Hi Chad- I was diagnosed with AML in 2020 and continue to explore modalities to heal from this disease. I am interested in pursuing more what you have written here and do not know where to start. Any direction would be appreciated!

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Sep 2022

I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but there is much that can be done in both western and eastern terms.  Generally, from the tong ren therapy perspective, you should attend weekly the classes available for free at tong ren station.  The classes are broadcast live (via facebook primarily) and you can login and submit requests.  There are multiple classes, but the ones with the founder/developer of tong ren therapy, Master Tom Tam, are the ones coming from his Boston area offices (Quincy, Haverhill).

From a general Chinese Medicine perspective you want to find a licensed practitioner (in the US anyone practicing will be licensed, in other countries the laws vary).  For a practitioner, for an issue like yours, you would want someone who has been in practice for at least 5-8 years, who practices herbal medicine in addition to acupuncture (not all do), and, personal preference, someone who practices tuina (chinese massage/bodywork techniques) as well.  Essentially a well rounded "acupuncturist" who has been in full-time practice for a number of years.  

I wish you the best along this path.


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