Bladder infection

forum post

Bladder infection

Published on 07-24-2008

"ygold77" has authored 14 other posts.

I have a patient she isfemale 67 years old. She feels that she has a bladder infection
since she hve had frequent urination that is better now and an uncomfortable feeling in her
bladder. Shealso said that she felt like her bladder was falling out like after delivering her babies.
There is no pain just discomfort. Her tongue had teethmarks on GB and Liver area.
the color was normal less coating.
I did a front treatment with Ren 3, and 6, Sp 9 and 6 and 4 gates. I also used ST 36.
Any other suggestions?
May be I will try back treatment next time with UB 28.

This post has the following associations:

Acupoints: cv 6, ex zigongxue, gv 20, sp 6, st 36, ub 23, ub 32, ub 34

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jul 2008

The points you used would address the overall signs of SP Qi Deficiency with some LV Qi Stagnation, but, as you point out, you should add in points on the back and also points such as GV 20 (main point for any prolapse) to raise the qi.

So something along the lines of:

<ul><li>GV 20 - raise prolapse</li><li>CV 6 - tonify and raise</li><li>SP 6 - tonify</li><li>ST 36 - tonify</li><li>huatuo of L2 (ub 23 area) - tonify overall qi/kidneys</li><li>huatuo of S2 (ub 32 area) - nerves which innervate the bladder</li><li>huatuo of S4 (ub 34 area) - nerves which innervate the urinary tract</li><li>Extra point - Zigongxue (for prolapse)</li></ul>

I would be cautious of using the four gates initially at least, as you want to focus on building and lifting qi, not moving energy outwards.

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