Isn’t nonproductive labour helped by acupuncture? I have heard this. MDs are mighty quick to schedule a C-section just because one has been done already.
To Ioannis: You’re welcome. Glad to help. Since you are interested in both TCM & naturopathy, I should like to ask you if you are familiar with "The Five Phases of Food: How to Begin", 2nd edition, by John W....
Ioannis, here is the list of vitamins we discussed. I do not know who the author is. Hope you will find this satisfactory. There are 19 items in this list. Regards, Eliza/MoiAussi. TCM Functions of Vitamins. Use only as educational...
When it comes to minerals, supplements may be indicated. For one example: we are told that you can get your necessary dose of Selenium from brazil nuts because the brazil nut tree is an accumulator, but if the soil has...
Great answer! I wish all doctors would think and speak this way.
They are using intravenous Vitamin C in China: Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19
I was having hypoglycemia symptoms all too often after menopause, though not chronic in the sense of 24/7. My vitamin book said, and I quote, “Hypoglycemics could use more calcium” but no more details. So I took calcium (citrate) and...
Even if you had no side effects from the surgery, that is a mighty ghastly “cure” for your varicose vein problem. The body is never improved overall in any true sense of the word by removing one or more of...
Until this woman can get to a Dr. of TCM, she could change to a non-constipating type of iron supplement - such as iron pyrophosphate or iron bisglycinate. Typically used iron supplement such as iron sulphate is notoriously constipating. From...
Can I butt in here? It is a pleasant surprise to hear people discussing socalled auto-immune disease without saying it means the body (socalled immune system in this case) is “attacking” itself. What a ghastly concept. An insult to the...
About grains being hard to digest. The Weston Price Foundation has much info on why whole grains, anyway, should be prepared in certain ways to inactivate antinutrients, about which much has been written. The whole “brown rice is better for...
From the booklet, The Five Phases of Food: How to Begin 2nd ed., by John W. Garvy, Jr., N.D., D.Ac. GLANDS: LI/GB: gonads H/SI: pituitary SP/ST: thymus L/LI: thyroid K/BL: adrenal MAJOR VITAMINS & MINERALS: LI/GB: Vit A & B-2;...
I have heard that some people with diagnosed hypo and hyper thyroidism are taking massive amounts of Iodine, which apparently completely cures them over time. If as you say the underlying issue is not treated, maybe down the line they...
I always thought that goiter was associated with a deficiency of Iodine and treated with supplementation with potassium iodide. Or some other iodine compound.
Sorry about your woes, Bill. About the water drinking. You could try adding a little salt every time you drink water. It’s supposed to send the water to where it is needed. I have no major issues that I know...
“Insomniac” doesn’t specify how often or how much of these cold foods he consumes. If he were to totally eliminate these foods and he still has these stabs of coldness he can’t eliminate, then maybe the practitioners here could do...
Chad_Dupuis: Certainly genetic testing of fetal tissue is possible to rule out any genetic issues that may be contributing If you mean that the quality of the man’s reproductive cells might be an issue here, then I would imagine that...
Thanks for your info. I am going to show your comments to someone I know who can’t stop himself from taking the same herbs over and over again. I don’t think it is a good idea. I think I recall...
Mobile phone? LOL. We don’t have such a thing, if you mean “smart phone”. I can’t even scan this the old fashioned way on our old fashioned scanner, because the sheet is so dull, stained and crumpled. Not to worry....
MoiAussi: Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Functions of Vitamins". Hello, Ioannis. I don’t think this is on the internet. I have this old piece of paper with all this info. I can type out the parts of it for you that don’t...
How about you try a magnesium supplement? (Not magnesium oxide, though.) Also, with a low-carb diet, possibly you are dehydrated. Just guessing here. When you drink plain water, it is a good idea to add a wee pinch of salt...
Sounds like a fit of vertigo to me but that is just my opinion. I had this: dizzy + vomiting + slight sweating. Even though I was not a big coffee drinker, this happened twice after a cup of coffee....
You could look into iodine/iodide supplementation. Yes, I would like to continue this old conversation, if it is okay with everyone here. Tk. you.
Re: poor or inappropriate diet. You can eat the correct diet for your constitution, but if you have parasites out of control, it does no (or only a little) good. People think if they don't have diarrhea, rumbling, gas, etc....
@Chad: “What is [my] point exactly?” you asked. My point was that, obviously, some practitioners are either ignorant or incompetent, passing out incorrect information. Wouldn’t readers of yinyanghouse, including Mr. Gomez, want to be aware of this. The topic was...
Hi. Re your statement, Chad, that tinnitus can be treated with acupuncture - I went to community acupuncture for a variety of minor, non-debilitating problems, including slight hissing-type sounds in one ear, and the Dr. there said that acupuncture can’t...
I was hunting through my giant, unsorted pile of papers and, voila, I found a 14-page article by John Freeman, BSc ,MH, CH, PEng entitled East/West Herbal Energetics Part III. I don't know where Parts 1 & 2 are, but...
For the love of God, stay away from mainsteam MDs if you are not circumcised and have any problem. This is a circumcising culture, most Americans are cut, and when doctors see an infection, the "solution" is usually to cut...
I know you're talking to Davy and not to me, but I wanted to put in my 2 cents' worth! This is directed to all medical practitioners: the treatment/cure has to suit the patient. Some people due to their mental...
Are amateurs allowed to make comments here, or is this site only for professionals? This isn't clear to me. If it was me who had those problems, I'd go for mineral & vitamin supplementation, especially Vitamin A (from fish oil),...
There's a herb people can buy that when they take a wee bit, all sweets will taste bitter. It's some kind of a weight-loss effort for people addicted to sugar. Maybe this prediabetic woman is blessed more than she realizes.
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