The ideal would be the development of a home delivery system of electro stimulation for care givers to apply in those specific diseases, and if I may add Lewy Bodies to that list. There are clinical studies using Chinese Skullcap...
I have successfully been using Yokukansankachimpi (7grams daily-4 tablets 3x daily) to treat the hallucinations associated with Lewy Bodies Dementia since the beginning of February. The blend was effective within 2 days first lessening the horror off the hallucinations, then...
I came across a report written in Huffinton Post that the Swedish Government completed an exhasutive study on Homeopathic medicine and recommended their National Health Care plan reimburse for it. It renews a hope for me for sanity in...
I think of herbs blends like C-Z as herbs that respond to an acute situation. Do these herbs affect the constitution the way a Yin deficienct blend, (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan) does in the long run? Is C-Z like...
I am curious. I have been told the if the pH of the blood is too acid , joint pain will result. I don't quite understand this. Our bodies work very hard to maintain its buffer systems with lungs and...
Would You Gui Wan be an appropriate remedy for treating impotence after the removal of the prostate and a round of chemo for a 53 year old? The MD's are no help except to give viagra or the equivalent of...
What points would one use for treatment of allergy symptoms so common this time of year - runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing etc - Can you tell the classification as in damp wind etc? Many Thanks
The PFC's mentioned in the this month's Newsletter, are commonly found in couch cushions, carpet pad or the liner on a blackout curtain.( a link to a list of household products that contain PFC's They release the toxins into...
On your site under points for GV 20 it states: "Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the association area (related to emotions, memory, behavior), useful for low energy, yang energy imbalances, parkinson's, alzheimer's, motor control issues. Could you explain...
What are the points to successfully treat achilles tendonitis? The pain started in the middle night and began to affect anything I do that requires impact, but yet some days it doesn't hurt at all. Is there specific points that...
Can you talk a little bit about the teacher student relationship that can or does exist in the West? I know I have lots of stereotypes thatmay no longer apply, because life is much more informal in the United States...
Can you talk about treating without a formal western medicine diagnosis but only treating on symptoms from the range of maintaining health to if the disorder turns out to be something as severe as Parkinson's? Please note all you have...
What is the best way to memorize the points on my own meaning without a teacher but using books? Where does one start in memorizationto have a foundation to build on? It seems studying the points while reading the recommendations...
I had really hoped for a simple answer that could be applied almost universally. I should know better. Your answer was clear, but the complexity of chinese formulas doesn't make it easy to encourage the use of herbs in a...
There is a wonderful questionaire( google it) that asks 3 questions per remedy based on the Bach Flower essences that will help you narrow your choices. Do know, 6-8 essences can be combined in one bottle of spring water to...
i think it would be good to know a litle of your medical history as well - disc problems, diabetes? Is ther an underlying issue that keeps asserting the pain that may need to be resolved...
It is important to not be disheartened in the process of getting free of all the emotions that can be tied into the physical. I know it is easier said than done,yet there are so many modalities of healing that...
Studying Tong Ren may seem overwhelming, but if you go to a meeting several times you are repitively exposed to the points and the rationale behind it. I don't know if that is particular to our group or if all...
Chad refers to Natural Family Planning which includes abstinence certain days of the month. Thoses days are determined by the mucus vaginal discharge and a basal body temperature. If followed, natural family planning is successful and easy if both partners...
Here is a little feedback. He began the herbs Thursday evening and found them to be effective after 3 days of use. Questions:<ol> <li>How long can one take the herbs? </li> <li> Is there a protocol to taking them; i.e...
I too would be interested in the relationship of our common herbs - goldenseal, comfrey, St John's wort, echincea etc to TCM herbology. I am sure the results may be the same but the reason one uses it may be...
If I may add as an Orthodox christian, meditation is ever present in our prayer life. Christianity has always been rooted in meditation or the art of cultivating stillness. The tradition of hesychasm or saying the "Jesus Prayer" whether it...
As a recipient of acupuncture treatment I find a range of emotions that might surface anything from tears to letting go to relaxation and maybe a nap. For me the most conscious thing to do is to keep letting go...
I continue to muse about these questions especially with no responses from anyone - I think I am asking where East meets West? Are there instances where Complementary Medicine Practioners use Western medicine? Is anyone struggling with these issues?Are there...
Explore the positioning of the phrenic nerve - that is the nerve that innervates the diaphragm which couls apasm and cause the hiccoughs
Are there specific points for pain receptors? That seems like one is treating pain with an analgesic (Tylenol) rather than treating the underlying reason one has pain.... but are there the morphines/ pain killers points in acupuncture?
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing is true pretty much everywhere - Are there side effects from "experimenting/exploring" with acupresure that one should be aware of other than the obvious that some points could be harmful to the pregnant?...
Is there an effect from natural child birth or breast feeding on the child's qi? Also for the Mom does it increase her post natal qi to have gone thru the birthing process with as little "interference" as possible? Is...
The web site is great - it can be overwhelming there is so much info. But is staged that I can take as much or as little info as I want.I keep coming back & finding more info and more...
I offer a thought that praying for the individual as you work with them might not be another potential solution to your problem. Of course there is the need to recognize within oneself where one's ego gets in the way...
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