Chinese Medicine, which encompasses acupuncture, is a broad and complex system of medicine. At face value this is neither a good or a bad thing, but the complexity of the diagnostic systems and treatment methods can limit broad usage due to limited numbers of well trained practitioners. Acupressur…
Yi Gan Wan is one of any number of formulas with potential usages for anxiety and related symptomology. Yi Gan Wan was originally designed for children (with issues such as fright, insomnia, anxiety, etc.), and now in modern times is used on all ages of patients due to our stressful lifestyle as w…
Through a variety of data samples it is estimated that approximately 30% of the global adult population experiences some aspect of insomnia on a frequent basis (1 ). Long term consequences of sleep issues have a broad array of affects. Some of these are related to reduced reaction time; automobile …
Statistically there is one person every 3 seconds, somewhere in the world, that develops dementia. There are currently around 50 million people world-wide which are in various stages of memory impairment and this number is currently expected to double every 20 years. There are, of course, a host of…
Seasonal allergies affect many people every day and may impact their lives profoundly, from itchy eyes to sneezing, stuffy nose, to swelling of the face and throat in extreme cases. Many people that I know, relatives and friends, are under medical treatment for seasonal allergies and have been tak…
Rates of vascular dementia double in the US every 5.3 years, Alzheimer's rates double every 4.3 and they can co-exist later in life ( 1 ). While Alzheimer's and vascular dementia are different conditions they share many of the same contributing factors. The primary factors appear to be poor diet as…
As a former brain scientist I’m well aware of the importance of brain functions and inter-brain connectivity and how that relates to overall physical and mental health. While the function of individual brain areas is important, the way different areas of the brain communicate with each other is e…
Chinese Medicine offers broad approaches to dealing with cognitive decline and associated issues. Complete treatment with acupuncture and herbal medicine, however, is often not available. Acupressure, touch therapy and other alternatives are viable and relatively easy to administer in various res…
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine have long been used to aid in the treatment of Alzheimer's among other dementia related conditions. While clinically we see significant benefit, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood in pure western terms. To help highlight these changes researche…
Researchers from the department of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the Third Xiangya Hospital in Changsha China recently conducting a study exploring the effects of an herbal extract on alzheimer's disease. The study involved 209 patients with alzheimers disease and was set to explore the eff…
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