54 year old female who presented with multiple uteri fibroids (myomas). At a recent visit to her gynegolist, her largest fibroids were measured at4 cm and 3 cm. Surgery recommented. She has have very heavy periods with dark bleeding. About five monts ago she satred to fell numbness and thinkling in…
Hello, I am a 40’ish year old female, it has been a while that I have been diagnosed with anemia, specially very low Ferritin. My Dr. Advised me to go on iron supplements. I have had tried at least 6 different kinds. I also have to mention that, I do have rosacea and taking any of these supplements…
I began experiencing nausea and pain behind the eyes back in December, 2018 (2 months postpartum). The nausea lasted for 2.5 months every day. Some days were u bearable and others I seemed to manage. I vomited one time. After the nausea faded away, I began experiencing an even scarier symptoms is n…
*hi my sis age 40 . She is taking iron pill from 5 days n now she is not getting fresh properly . Mean little bit stool is passing. Pls guide *
Hello, I used to have good memory but since pregnancy I realised my memory has deteriorated tremendously. I’m in my 8 months pregnancy now. May I know how do I improve my memory after giving birth ? Last but not least, I will be having a caesarean birth, what are the types of herbal formulas should…
Hello I recently had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. I am 42 yrs old with a lovely little six year old and supportive loving partner. There was a lot of blood loss. My haemoglobin was counted at 86 and then a week later as 59. I usually run everyday and eat a healthy organic plant based diet. No caffei…
Can ren shen yang ying formula be used while breastfeeding? How is this formula effects milk production?
I have been diagnosed with a severe ferriprive anemia ( very low iron, about 10 ) and very low hemoglobin too. I started a treatment with GUI PI WAN and BA ZHEN WAN, which do help me a lot in conjunction with heme iron. Would you have any other recommandation to make to improve the hemoglobin reco…
Hello, my name is Rosie and I’ve been actively ttc for 7 years. In that time, I have had 3 miscarriages- two in 2011, and I’m going through one as I type this. I recently started reading about TCM and it makes so much sense to me. Most of my symptoms are explained under Kidney Yin deficiency and Bl…
Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with bladder prolapse (Cystocele) post childbirth (3 months ago) and have continuous rectal pressure as well. My episiotomy hasn’t healed either and all in all painful and uncomfortable to stand and walk. I was wondering if there is acupressure points to help with…
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