The herbal formula "fang ji huang qi wan" , 防己黄芪汤, which in english is "stephania and astragalus teapills", is categorized within the "expel dampness" functional grouping and within the "promote urination and leach out dampness" sub-category.
You may also see this formula referenced by: Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang, Stephania and Astragalus Combination.
Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:
Our shop contains fang ji huang qi wan from the following manufacturer:
For many reasons such as availability, ecological choices, and/or price, each manufacturer or herbalist may well adjust the exact composition of a specific formula. Fang Ji Huang Qi Wan is generally comprised of the following herbs:
Tonifies the spleen, augments qi, dries dampness - diarrhea, fatigue, lack of appetite, vomiting, edema. Stabilizes the exterior and stops sweating - spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency. Calm…
Tonifies spleen qi - weakness, shortness of breath, reduced appetite, loose stools. Nourishes the blood, calms the spirit - irritability, pale complexion, emotional disturbances, restlessness. Usef…
Tonifies the spleen and augments qi - spleen deficiency w/shortness of breath, fatigue, loose stools (si jun zi tong). Qi and/or blood deficiency w/irregular pluse or palpitations (Zhi Gan Cao Tang)…
Promotes urination, reduces edema - lower extremity edema, borborygmus, abdominal distention, ascites from lower jiao damp accumulation. Expels wind-damp-heat, alleviates pain - fever, red, swollen,…
Tonifies spleen qi - lack of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea. Raises yang qi of spleen and stomach - prolapse of uterus, stomach, rectum, uterine bleeding. Augments the wei qi and stabilizes the exteri…
Release the exterior, wind-cold, regulate ying and wei qi Warms the middle jiao - stomach cold/vomiting Alleviates coughing, warms lung Reduces toxicity of other herbs
A single formula, alone, may not be sufficient to fully address a particular TCM diagnostic pattern. Formulas may be used alone, in combinations, and/or in stages. Fang Ji Huang Qi Wan is a candidate for consideration when needing to influence spleen qi deficiency.
Fang Ji Huang Qi Wan may potentially be used, in coordination with a well tailored overall approach, to influence the following conditions: arthritis (bi syndromes), edema, fatigue, immunity, knee pain, obesity (weight loss), osteoarthritis (oa) and/or rheumatoid arthritis (ra)
Our clinical staff have made the following notes, regarding fang ji huang qi wan.
As noted above, fang ji huang qi wan is within the expel dampness functional group. And it appears within the sub-category "promote urination and leach out dampness", which contains the following formulas:
Generally for painful urination issues (gao lin) that arises from kidney yang deficiency. With related kidney yang deficiency pattern - chronic urinary tract infections, leukorrhea, vaginal thrush. …
Useful for a range of calcifications/stones - kidney stones, bladder stones, ureter stones and when the underlying pathology is appropriate gallstones. Generally involves collections of damp heat i…
Damp cold stagnation in the middle jiao - poor appetite, indigestion, gastritis, loose stools, heavy sensation of the limbs, fatigue. Can be used to induce labor with appropriate underlying diagnose…
Generally used, often in conjunction with other formulas, as a mild-diuretic and mild spleen strengthening formula - for edema from spleen qi deficiency primarily.
All formulas in the primary category of "expel dampness" are listed below.
(truncated intro "...dampness in chinese medicine terms is a part of the yin energy of the body and has the effect of slowing and blocking the flow of energy in…)".
All Content 1999-2025
Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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