The herbal formula "jiang dan gu chun wan" , 將旦故春, which in english is "contribute to youthfulness pills", is categorized within the "expel dampness" functional grouping and within the "clear damp-heat" sub-category.
You may also see this formula referenced by: Jiang Dan Gu Chun Pian, CholestAssure.
Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:
Our shop contains jiang dan gu chun wan from the following manufacturer:
For many reasons such as availability, ecological choices, and/or price, each manufacturer or herbalist may well adjust the exact composition of a specific formula. Jiang Dan Gu Chun Wan is generally comprised of the following herbs:
Invigorate blood, promote movement of Qi - any blood stasis pattern, important for gynecological issues (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, difficult labor, lochioschesis). Expels wind and alleviates pain - …
Tonifies the blood, regulates menses - pallid, ashen complexion, tinnitus, blurred vision, palpitations, irregular menses, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. Invigorates/harmonizes the blood, disperses cold …
Nourish and tonify liver and kidney - yin and/or blood deficiency w/sore back and legs, low grade abdominal pain, impotence, nocturnal emission, xiao ke; neutral nature - commonly used for liver and …
Tonifies liver and kidney, nourishes blood, augments essence - yin and/or blood deficiency w/dizziness, blurred vision, prematurely grey hair, weakness in the lower back and knees, sore limbs, insomn…
Invigorate blood, unblock menstruation - blood stasis patterns w/amenorrhea, abdominal pain, post partum dizziness, lochioschesis, abdominal masses. Dispels blood stasis, alleviates pain - blood sta…
Tonify spleen qi and yin - with poor appetite, fatigue, dry mouth, loss of taste, dry stool, dry red tongue. Moistens the lungs - dry cough, little sputum due to lung qi and yin deficiency. Tonify …
Disperses wind, clears heat (bitter, cold) - headache, fever. Clears liver and the eyes (sweet, cold) - wind-heat in the liver channel manifesting with red, painful, dry eyes or excessive tearing, o…
Reduces phlegm, softens hardness - nodules in the neck, fullness in the chest due to phlegm. Promotes urination, reduces swelling - lower extremity edema (adjunctive herb).
Reduces and moves food stagnation outward - accumulation of meat and/or greasy foods with distention, pain, diarrhea. Transforms blood stasis, dissipates clumps - post-partum abdominal pain, hernial…
Disperse blood stasis, alleviate pain - amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, post partum abdominal pain, epigastric pain due to blood stasis. Transforms stasis, stop bleeding - uterine bleeding, lochioschesis.…
A single formula, alone, may not be sufficient to fully address a particular TCM diagnostic pattern. Formulas may be used alone, in combinations, and/or in stages. Jiang Dan Gu Chun Wan is a candidate for consideration when needing to influence spleen qi deficiency.
Jiang Dan Gu Chun Wan may potentially be used, in coordination with a well tailored overall approach, to influence the following conditions: cholesterol and/or hyperlipidemia
As noted above, jiang dan gu chun wan is within the expel dampness functional group. And it appears within the sub-category "clear damp-heat", which contains the following formulas:
Clearing damp heat in the lower warmer, particularly with underlying blood deficiency - vaginal disharge, vaginal itching, vaginal inflammation along with constipation, possibly anemia, low back pain…
Painful urination when it arises from damp heat syndrome - urinary tract infections, leukorrhea, cystitis. Prostatitis when from damp heat.
For spleen qi deficiency with damp heat accumulation in the lower. The spleen system is effectively the western version of the digestive system. The spleen is responsible for extracting the energy …
A range of gallbladder, liver and related digestive/obstructive issues - clears damp heat from the liver and gall bladder in TCM terms. Symptoms may include gallstones and/or a range of digestive is…
Bloating, lower abdominal pain, sluggish bowels. Acid reflux/heartburn, nausea with possible vomitting after meals.
Painful/burning or diffulty urination possibly with increased urgency due to damp heat accumulation. Dark or scanty urine. Urinary stones. Urinary tract infection.
Damp-Heat Bi-Syndromes in Chinese Medicine terms - arthritis with hot swollen joints. With the right underlying diagnosis both osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis would respond. Gout. Weakness…
Painful urination with cloudy or dark urine due to heat. Possibly blood in the urine -bright red blood not occult.
Diarrhea expecially with bright blood or mucus and foul smelling resuling from damp heat. Nausea, abdominal cramps or bloating, with possible loss of appetite from damp accumulation. Vomitting, hic…
Used for a range of liver, gallbladder and pancreatic disorders arising from damp heat. Symptoms such as jaundice, urinary difficulty, nausea, bloating and more. Western conditions could be cirrhos…
Abnormal vaginal discharge - yellow or green colour, cottage-cheese like texture and foul smelling. Painful urination, burning, increased urgency/frequency. Yeast infection.
All formulas in the primary category of "expel dampness" are listed below.
(truncated intro "...dampness in chinese medicine terms is a part of the yin energy of the body and has the effect of slowing and blocking the flow of energy in…)".
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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