The herbal formula "xiao huo luo wan" which in english is "minor invigorate channels pills", is categorized within the "expel dampness" functional grouping and within the "dispel wind-dampness" sub-category.
Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:
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For many reasons such as availability, ecological choices, and/or price, each manufacturer or herbalist may well adjust the exact composition of a specific formula. Xiao Huo Luo Wan is generally comprised of the following herbs:
Invigorate blood, promote movement of Qi - any blood stasis pattern, important for gynecological issues (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, difficult labor, lochioschesis). Expels wind and alleviates pain - …
Tonifies the blood, regulates menses - pallid, ashen complexion, tinnitus, blurred vision, palpitations, irregular menses, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. Invigorates/harmonizes the blood, disperses cold …
Transforms phlegm heat, extinguishes wind, stops convulsions - muscle spasms/cramps, infantile convulsions, seizure disorders, facial paralysis, stroke (CVA) from wind and phlegm obstruction…
Drains liver heat, stops spasms an convulsions - high fever with convulsions and seizures. Clears lung heat - wheezing. Clears heat in the channels and promotes movement - swollen, painful joints wi…
Dispels wind-hot-damp bi and spasms of the sinews. Cools the blood and reduces swellings - toxic sores, sore throat.
Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, reduces swelling, alleviate pain - trauma, sores, carbuncles, swellings, abdominal masses, painful obstruction, chest pain, abdominal pain, amenorrhea. Promote…
Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, alleviate pain - trauma, carbuncles and swellings, chest and/or abdominal pain. Relax the sinews, invigorates the channels, alleviates pain - bi syndromes, rig…
Expels wind, invigorates the channels - damp heat obstructing the channels and muscles causing sore chest and flank areas, sore muscles and sinews, stiff joints, traumatic injury, breast abscess. Ex…
Breaks up blood stasis (important herb) - menstrual disorders, abdominal pain/masses, trauma, flank pain, lung abscess, intestinal abscess. Moistens intestines, unblock bowels - constipation due to …
Invigorate blood and channels - upper body - promote lactation, lower body - unblocks menses, amenorrhea due to blood stasis. Swelling - breast or testicular swellings with pain.
A single formula, alone, may not be sufficient to fully address a particular TCM diagnostic pattern. Formulas may be used alone, in combinations, and/or in stages. Xiao Huo Luo Wan is a candidate for consideration when needing to influence blood stagnation.
Xiao Huo Luo Wan may potentially be used, in coordination with a well tailored overall approach, to influence the following conditions: back pain, knee pain and/or wrist pain
As noted above, xiao huo luo wan is within the expel dampness functional group. And it appears within the sub-category "dispel wind-dampness", which contains the following formulas:
For chronic pain due to obstruction (bi zheng) with liver and kidney deficiency. For lower back pain often with weakness and/or pain in the knees. For arthritis, especially the type affected by col…
Wind-cold-damp bi syndromes in qi deficient patients - joint pain possibly with heaviness of the limbs that generally improves with movement. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gouty arthritis. …
Arthritis from damp heat in Chinese Medicine terms. Knee issues with kidney and liver systems involvement. Lower body pain and/or inflammation - hips, knees, ankles, toes especially when the pain m…
Damp and Cold bi-syndromes - arthritis (osteo primarily), joint pain, muscles aches that is aggravated with cold and/or damp weather - weakness of the knee, pain in lower back, general weakness, pain…
Wind-cold-damp bi syndromes with particular issues in the lower back and legs - sciatic pain, heaviness in the lower body, hip and knee pain, arthritis in those areas (osteo or rheumatoid).
All formulas in the primary category of "expel dampness" are listed below.
(truncated intro "...dampness in chinese medicine terms is a part of the yin energy of the body and has the effect of slowing and blocking the flow of energy in…)".
All Content 1999-2025
Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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