The herbal formula "xian fang huo ming yin wan" , 仙方活命飲, which in english is "immortals formula for sustaining life", is categorized within the "clear heat" functional grouping and within the "clear heat and relieve toxicity" sub-category.
You may also see this formula referenced by: Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin, Angelica and Mastic Combination, Sublime Formula for Sustaining Life, Miraculous Decoction for Local Infection.
Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:
Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin Wan has some precautions to be considered (see our precautions list).
Our shop contains xian fang huo ming yin wan from the following manufacturer:
For many reasons such as availability, ecological choices, and/or price, each manufacturer or herbalist may well adjust the exact composition of a specific formula. Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin Wan is generally comprised of the following herbs:
Expels wind-cold, dampness Opens nasal passages, sinus congestion (particularly with green discharge), alleviates pain (especially in the head region) Resolve wind-cold symptoms especially with hea…
Regulates Qi, improves transportive function of the spleen, relieves diaphragm - epigastric/abdominal distention, fullness, bloating, belching, nausea, vomiting (promotes movement of qi in general; …
Invigorates blood, dispels stasis (stronger than Mu Dan Pi) - dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdominal pain and masses, traumatic pain associated with swelling, early stages of abscesses and boils. Clear…
Not used commonly due to the pangolin being endangered. Generally Wang Bu Liu Xing (Vaccaraie Semen), or dried seeds of cowherb Vaccaria segetalis can be used as effective supplements as can many ot…
Tonifies the blood, regulates menses - pallid, ashen complexion, tinnitus, blurred vision, palpitations, irregular menses, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. Invigorates/harmonizes the blood, disperses cold …
Releases exterior, expel wind-cold (headache, chills, body ache) Bi-Syndromes, Wind-Damp, alleviates pain, relieves spasms (not very strong, only as a supporting herb) Trembling hands and/or feet …
Tonifies the spleen and augments qi - spleen deficiency w/shortness of breath, fatigue, loose stools (si jun zi tong). Qi and/or blood deficiency w/irregular pluse or palpitations (Zhi Gan Cao Tang)…
Clear heat, relieve toxic fire - hot, painful swellings in the throat, breast, eyes; intestinal abscesses. Expel wind-heat - fever, aversion to wind, sore throat, headache; also for summer-heat. Cl…
Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, reduces swelling, alleviate pain - trauma, sores, carbuncles, swellings, abdominal masses, painful obstruction, chest pain, abdominal pain, amenorrhea. Promote…
Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, alleviate pain - trauma, carbuncles and swellings, chest and/or abdominal pain. Relax the sinews, invigorates the channels, alleviates pain - bi syndromes, rig…
Clears and drains lung heat, transforms phlegm, moistens lung dryness. Drains heat, generates fluid (fluids injured) - thirst, irritability, wasting and thirsting disorder, cough, thick sputum. Reli…
Reduces swellings, discharges pus, invigorates blood, reduces abscesses - for early stages of swollen sores to encourage suppuration or to burst. Expels wind, kills parasites - leprosy and ringworm.
Clears and transforms phlegm-heat - acute lung heat with productive cough. Clears heat, dissipates nodules (better than Chuan Bei Mu - for phlegm-fire congealing and causing neck swellings, lung and…
A single formula, alone, may not be sufficient to fully address a particular TCM diagnostic pattern. Formulas may be used alone, in combinations, and/or in stages. Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin Wan is a candidate for consideration when needing to influence large intestine damp heat, liver and gallbladder damp heat and/or phlegm fire.
Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin Wan may potentially be used, in coordination with a well tailored overall approach, to influence the following conditions: acne, dysentary, herpes, mastitis, pneumonia, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis (ra), tonsillitis and/or ulcerative colitis
As noted above, xian fang huo ming yin wan is within the clear heat functional group. And it appears within the sub-category "clear heat and relieve toxicity", which contains the following formulas:
Common cold and flu patterns, particularly at the early stages. Can be used in lieu of actual bacterial or viral infection as long as flu or cold like symptoms are manifest.
Dispels wind heat, clear toxic heat - generally used short-term for inflammatory conditions of the face, mouth, head - sore throat, conjunctivitis, acne, swollen gums. Can be a supportive formula fo…
Hemorrhoids and/or constipation from an accumulation of damp-heat and toxins in the lower jiao - possibly bleeding hemorrhoids, pain, rectal prolapse, anal itching. Shrinks swollen tissue, helps to …
Acute febrile disorder (wind-heat & damp-phlegm) of the head - strong fever and chills, burning pain of head and face, red and/or swollen eyes, sore throat, aversion to cold, dryness, thirst. …
Damp-heat excess with interior climbing - fever, restlessness, red eyes, constipation, possibly in severe cases delirium from high fever. A range of digestive/epigastric issues from damp-heat - ga…
Signs of damp-heat with interior clumping which may settle into the abdominal region and/or rise upward to the head. Fever, irritability, red eyes, constipation, dark urine, flushed face - middle …
All formulas in the primary category of "clear heat" are listed below.
(truncated intro "...heat can be found at the qi level, blood level (xue), nutritive level (ying) and within particular organ systems. proper diagnosis is very …)".
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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