The herbal formula "qing shu yi qi tang wan" which in english is "clear summer heat and augment the qi", is categorized within the "clear heat" functional grouping and within the "relieve summerheat" sub-category.
You may also see this formula referenced by: Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang.
Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:
Our shop contains qing shu yi qi tang wan from the following manufacturer:
For many reasons such as availability, ecological choices, and/or price, each manufacturer or herbalist may well adjust the exact composition of a specific formula. Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang Wan is generally comprised of the following herbs:
Tonifies the spleen, augments qi, dries dampness - diarrhea, fatigue, lack of appetite, vomiting, edema. Stabilizes the exterior and stops sweating - spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency. Calm…
Strongly dries dampness, strengthens spleen - low appetite, diarrhea, epigastric distention, fatigue, vomiting, greasy tongue coat. Expels wind-damp-cold (bi-syndrome) in extremities. Clears damp-h…
Regulates Qi, improves transportive function of the spleen, relieves diaphragm - epigastric/abdominal distention, fullness, bloating, belching, nausea, vomiting (promotes movement of qi in general; …
Tonifies the blood, regulates menses - pallid, ashen complexion, tinnitus, blurred vision, palpitations, irregular menses, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. Invigorates/harmonizes the blood, disperses cold …
Tonifies the spleen and augments qi - spleen deficiency w/shortness of breath, fatigue, loose stools (si jun zi tong). Qi and/or blood deficiency w/irregular pluse or palpitations (Zhi Gan Cao Tang)…
Releases muscles, clears heat - exterior disease in subcutaneous region and muscles (governed by spleen and stomach) - fever, headache, stiffness in the back and the neck. Nourishes fluids, alleviat…
Drains damp heat from the lower jiao - thick-yellow leukorrhea, foul-smelling diarrhea, dysentery; damp-heat pouring downward or hot leg qi - red, swollen, painful knees, legs, and/or feet; damp-heat…
Tonifies spleen qi - lack of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea. Raises yang qi of spleen and stomach - prolapse of uterus, stomach, rectum, uterine bleeding. Augments the wei qi and stabilizes the exteri…
Moistens the lungs, stops cough - dry cough, coughing blood. Augments stomach yin, generates fluids - dry tongue and mouth. Clears heat and eliminates irritability due to yin deficiency or a warm-f…
Spreads liver Qi and breaks up stagnation - liver Qi stagnation symptoms such as distention and pain in the chest, breast, and/or hypochondriac regions; hernial pain. Reduces food stagnation - pain …
Releases the exterior, vents muscles - accelerates the early stages of skin rashes, headache from wind-heat (forehead - stomach channel). Clears heat, relieves toxicity - toxins in the upper or supe…
Reduces food stagnation, strengthens stomach - stomach cold with food stagnation or accumulation, with epigastric and abdominal fullness or distention, lack of appetite, borborygmus, and diarrhea. A…
Constrain leakage of lung qi, enriches kidney yin - chronic cough and wheezing due to kidney and lung deficiency. Tonify the kidneys, bind the essence, stop diarrhea - nocturnal emission, spermatorr…
Benefits qi, generates fluids, nourishes yin - for yin deficiency with heat signs, weakness, irritability and thirst after a febrile disease. Nurtures lung yin and clears fire from the lungs - wheez…
A single formula, alone, may not be sufficient to fully address a particular TCM diagnostic pattern. Formulas may be used alone, in combinations, and/or in stages. Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang Wan is a candidate for consideration when needing to influence spleen and stomach damp heat, spleen qi deficiency and/or summer heat.
Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang Wan may potentially be used, in coordination with a well tailored overall approach, to influence the following conditions: common cold, diarrhea, fibroids, flu, heat stroke, menopause (hot flashes), menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding) and/or ulcerative colitis
As noted above, qing shu yi qi tang wan is within the clear heat functional group. And it appears within the sub-category "relieve summerheat", which contains the following formulas:
All formulas in the primary category of "clear heat" are listed below.
(truncated intro "...heat can be found at the qi level, blood level (xue), nutritive level (ying) and within particular organ systems. proper diagnosis is very …)".
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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