Having fully Puffy body.Increasing body weight regularly.Having Puffy face body on morning WakeUp.
Has anyone had a real breakthrough treatment with herbs or acupuncture for bipolar issues?
i’ve had hyperhidrosis most of my life with sweaty palms, feet, armpits and groin, and by sweaty i mean dripping at times. i read bu zhong yi qi wan was something to try and was hoping for some kind of confirmation if this is a good idea. i’m a 43 yo female in good health otherwise, not pregnant or…
What are the patterns cause excess heat in women during follicular phase?
Hello, First let me say that i have been to my primary care western doctor, have current blood work, and everything shows up normal. I however, being in tune with my body, realize that something is off balance. I have dryness in the following areas: Scalp (dandruff), poop (hard), eyes (wake up fe…
My parents died in 2008 and 2010; but I still see them and some other known dead people in dreams, creating a lot of fear and gradually I got multiple physical problems. Can anyone suggest me what acupuncture protocol will help me out. Thanks, Ravindra Agrawal
I know one thing I definitely have is night sweats. All year long. And I get hot spells too. Does that say many things or only a few certain things?
I have problems connected with hypoglicemia. I am not diabetic. Problems include shaking, dizzy, vertigo, nightmare, night swaeting… Do you have any solution for this issues? Thank you
Can anyone help with a treatment formulation for bloating after eating and constipation? What should I be looking for with regards the pulse and tongue? What acupoints should I be treating? Thank you nick
Hi , can i ask how is your investigation if gui zhi fu ling wan indeed can cure fibroid myoma ? thanks , Susan
While in Central America I contracted a mosquito virus (Zika or Chikungunya) in addition to severe incompatibility with the humid climate. Symptoms: severe whole body inflammation; immobilizing inflammation in soles of feet; painful inflammation of fingers and hand joints; lethargy; As swelling sub…
**Female patient 44, with hyperthyroidism, has developed Carpal tunnel syndrome. It is just a beginning but she feels problems while using that hand. I wish to know whether thyroid has any effect on long run, to cause any complications like this 2 also Some expert may please guide me about points…
I have taken emperors tea pill before, is it good for pulmonary hypertention
which Chinese herb help this problem ?
What herbal remedies can one use to go with chemotherapy for a Luekemia patient
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