Forum Posts

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Below are our 15 most discussed forum posts from 2157 contributing members.

What to do when tonics don't work
Created 09-05-2016 by "anon188538"
I have chronic fatigue of deficent type, with yin fire flaring when I do too much exertion; I also have poor appetite. I tried Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan and Ginseng capsules, yet they don’t give any effect. In case of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan they actually worsen my condition. I feel emptiness and pain in my chest. What to do, is moxa the only alternative to combat fatigue and weakness?
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My experience as an Acupuncturist on a Cruise Ships
Created 12-02-2007 by "catraveler"
Don't be fooled by the lure of fun and excitement of working and living on a cruise ship. Steiners is a spa company that has monopolized spas on cruise ships and they are aggressively hiring Acupuncturist to complement there business. On the surface it may seem glamorous and adventurous visiting international ports on cruise ships with potential of making $1000/wk but the reality is not so exciting at all. The image about the job will...
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Mystery condition with insomnia: various excess/deficiencies and herbs not helping. Why?
Created 08-11-2017 by "anon194503"
Hello, I’m 40 yrs old male in search of some desperate help with condition that has lasted over five years. I’ve had over four different Skype consultations with TCM practitioners who took me into different directions to no avail and some made things much worse. If any of you could look into this and provide your thoughts I would be forever grateful! My symptoms are too numerous to list here and they seem to be...
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Peripheral Neuropathy
Created 02-09-2010 by "andycolombini"
Hi, I have today treated a gentleman, who was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. A pain in the right buttock travelling down the right leg predominantly, but also mildly on the left, the pain travels to the foot and the foot has a burning sensation. Pain is relieved by taking the pressure off, i.e if he doesn't sit or stand the pain lessens. Very strangely this pain ONLY occurs every other day and he can time...
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Emotional energy transference
Created 09-27-2008 by "slfroedge"
Sometimes when I am giving an acupressure treatment, I feel the person's energy move. Then, I experience emotions that are not my own. For example, extreme grief in a person with a headache. When I feel the transfer of the emotion and energy, the person's headache goes away. This often leaves me feeling weak for several minutes or hours. What is going on?
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Fatigue and imbalance
Created 11-04-2019 by "anon188652"
I feel exhausted fatigue from environmental stress and study commitments. Also the last couple of days I caught a bad cold and the GP gave antibiotic and kortizon spray. taking it for 7 days From previous time I take Zao Ren Tang Pian Wan for 2 months now which the TCM practitioner suggested and it helped with insomnia and mental overstimulation but I still am overstimulated with emotional and physical symptoms. memory andattention is bad....
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Death by Acupuncture
Created 08-05-2010 by "Elena_Marcus"
In 2004 I was hit in the solar plexus numerous times with a sharp object (while I was passed out). Trying to figure out what this demented person intended to do, I found information on deadly strikes and Marcial Arts. It found that if you have a burning sensation after you get hit in the solar plexus, you were hit in the deadly point, and you die in seven years. Indeed I recall feeling a...
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Created 07-20-2016 by "anon160400"
Hi i know you posted a long time ago but did all your symtoms completely clear after 8 months ? Im in similar situation and im worried sick
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Looking for acupuncture points for elbow bursitis
Created 09-06-2011 by "Darach"
Hi this is my first post so I welcome any replies or advice. I'm an acupuncture student and I would like to treat the sympoms of elbow bursitis in my father (60 years old). He plays a lot of golf so he initially thought it was tennis elbow or golfers elbow but after a bit of research we think he probably has elbow bursitis. Also, until recently, he had a desk job for years and...
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Bipolar + Herbal Pattern Differentiation
Created 12-12-2010 by "MKAM"
Hello - this is my first post to yinyanghouse. I was wondering if someone could help distinguish between these two patterns for a patient of mine. She is already on prescription medication for bipolar disorder. She is interested in a herbal formula to possibly help minimize the amount of prescription drugs she is on. I have narrowed her down to two patterns. Either Phlegm Fire Harrassing the Heart or Blood Amasssment (Stasis). R Patient is...
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Created 07-22-2016 by "anon160400"
Are you still getting acupuncture treatmrnt?
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Acupuncture to quit smoking?
Created 06-26-2008 by "ygold77"
For quite smoking should I use electro acupuncture every time? What points should I use for electro acupuncture. Like connecting Lung 1 and Lung 2. Any other suggestions would be helpful.
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Furry cracked tongue
Created 02-18-2015 by "anon133258"
Hey guys, so I have this issue that I am struggling for years now. I went through countless doctors, treatments, tests, acupuncturists… without success. Instead of explaining, I think it’ll be much easier to show you some pictures. Three different problems here: the huge central crack, side cracks (the severity changes) and the white coating / hair. I also have really really dry mouth and I am bloated almost all the time.
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Energy self-protection when practicing massage/bodywork
Created 04-28-2010 by "MillyOz"
Hi :) I am a massge therapy student and have been studying for few months and have done apx. 50 massages. We have been tought by our lecturer to protect ourselves when giving massage by drawing the white light circle around our bodies. I am used to doing so as I use it in other situations too, though it doesnt seem to work lately. After I give massage I am left drained, emotionally and mentally,...
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Scoliosis acupuncture treatment
Created 01-22-2009 by "calidor"
Hi, I tried to find more about the phenomenon of cifoscoliosis, and if there could be found a way to prevent or treat it completely. I guess it's a problem in stagnation of kidney qi and in the same time the unability of liver to receive from kidneys the produced energy and spreading it, and this may be a reason for being created a lot of tensions in the spinal muscles and stagnation in bladder...
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