i wanted to ask a question about acupancture points involving the shen - which acupancture points effect the shen and are there points that strengths the connections between the kidney and the shen and a point that replanishes the shen like ‘long yan rou’ does?
thank you
This post has the following associations:
Patterns: shen disturbance
Acupoints: cv 17, gb 13, gv 19, gv 20, gv 24, gv 26, ht 7, ht 9, kd 25, ub 23
Herbs: long yan rou
comment by "StephenS" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2016
There are a number of points that can affect the shen, including Du 20, Du 24, HT 7, and Ren 17. As for a point that connects the kidney with the shen, KD 25 (Shencang) and UB 23 (Shen Shu) would be the most prominent point that comes to my mind.
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comment by "Shachar_Naor"
on Mar 2016
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2016
In general all points involve the shen, but there is a specific relationship between the heart (fire) and the kidney (water) in Chinese Medicine.
That said, with these types of concepts I always feel it is better for the discussion to discuss them in the context of real cases/conditions/issues, not in arbitrary terms as that tends to get too esoteric and too theoretical with less real world meaning and application.
But one branch of Chinese Medicine, namely the worsley five element branch (among others), puts more emphasis on these relationships. Some of the points that you might not have normally thought of from a pure TCM perspective are with the “spirit points” section of my classical five element acupuncture article.
With long yan rou you have tonification of the heart and spleen and blood. There would be many ways to accomplish this with acupuncture points, but they would vary depending on the patient. Further you have to be clear if you simply trying to calm the shen or want to consolidate/tonify it. In my mind these are very different approaches. Calming, points such as HT 7, for example, work well - even stronger approaches like bloodletting HT 9 if you need a stronger approach. But consolidating similar to the quality you can develop within mediation and tai chi, for example, would involve a well tailored protocol individualized to the needs of the patient.
In our Tam healing system, we use GB 13 (frontal lobe) and in some cases GV 19 (the sensory cortex) for some of the issues related to shen imbalances.
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comment by "StephenS" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2016
There is no short answer for that. It would depend on what is blocking the shen, or what is causing shen to be diminished in the first place.
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comment by "Shachar_Naor"
on Mar 2016
if it is because of an injury? like an accident that inflicts great damage so causes many brouses to the brain?
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comment by "Shachar_Naor"
on Mar 2016
as i understand ‘long yan rou’ is good for excessive thought’s so it means that it takes the blood of the heart and spleen and shen to the brain what makes it efficent for shen definecy no?
technacly if i want to translate it to accupancture i need a shen point that effects the brain also and by that making it most effective for shen treatment like ‘du 20’ lets say and ‘du 24’ with mixture of HT7 of cxourse and more for suuport.
am i accurate on that?
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2016
There is essentially never a “most effective” point for anything. The “most effective” point is the the set of points properly tailored to the needs of the individual patient - always. Trying to break down acupuncture into a point -> condition modality will usually lead to inferior results.
You also always have to consider the patient and their entire composite of symptoms. So even though “x” point or “y” protocol for a particular condition/issue may look ideal - when those approaches and/or points conflict with other conditions the patient has, then you are not using the theory deeply enough.
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comment by "Shachar_Naor"
on Mar 2016
comment by "leapingfrog"
on Mar 2016
My favorite for thoughts racing or too intense is Yin Tang combined with Spleen 6 to calm the mind. If sleep is involved then add Ht 7 on the same side as Spleen 6 and Kidney 6 on the opposite side. If I feel like there is a disconnect with the brain, I add in Du 20 to ensure good flow through the brain. Remember to check the strength of their chakras to strengthen them if needed. Remember to check the actual point locations and favor the ones that are tender for a starting point. I personally think acupuncture does a much better job of Shen calming than most pharmaceuticals.
Theory is good if it helps you connect to the patient. I like to think about the relationship of heart to kidney as the balance of fire and water, for example. I play that out in my mind as intention when combining the points that access the water and fire channels. Spleen 6 is known to invigorate the blood and calm the mind. It can also nourish the Spleen, Kidney, and Liver channels … all of foot yin which is a powerful blessing in a treatment.
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comment by "anon221386"
on Apr 2016
Also don’t forget Long Yan Rou generates dampness so long term use of it is not recommended.
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comment by "anon60664"
on Nov 2016
DU26 Renzhong is a Sun Si-Miao Ghost point (points for regulating mind, calm spirit). I like this a lot, I was told that it helps with emotional eating too. Maybe because it’s located near the mouth.
Auricular acupuncture have shenmen and autonomic nervous system points. The autonomic nervous system point on the ear helps people relax into the resting parasympathetic nervous system functioning rather than the aggression and irritability of the sympathetic nervous system. The NADA protocol of 5 points help people break addiction to drugs and alcohol as they go through detox, by supporting their mental and physical states.
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