"anon154598" Profile

and activity at the Yin Yang House

Profile and Activity of "anon154598"

"anon154598" They joined us in 2021.

30 Most Recent Public Forum Posts by "anon154598"

Lin, Milky Lin damp and cysts (12/2021)

Does all damp go to the urinary bladder? Eventually? Phlegm-damp that is heated doesthat form ganglion cysts, all cysts for that matter? Maybe this should be under discussion.

Shoulder joint pain and arm pain (12/2021)

My shoulder joints have begun cracking and my arm are extremely painful. Sometimes I have to grab my wrist with the other hand and pull my arm up. Scary Palpitations but that’s not new. Shoulder joints very painful. We’ve been...

Syndromes are two organs..or more (12/2021)

My shoulder joints and arms ache and are so sore sometimes I can barely lift them. I think the Spleen and Liver have to do with muscles and tendons. Damp heat from sodas and fast food settles in joints and...

TCM body functioning (12/2021)

What is yang/yin regulating and motility? There must be a purpose. Does diet soda cause Spleen chi deficiency? Penetrating channel has to do with creating Blood I believe.

Anemia and blood (12/2021)

I seem to have anemia and I feel very weak now. Is there any simple cause for blood in the Spleen meridian? Would that be a Spleen problem? Heat, Damp-heat, blood stagnation. Are my guesses.

What is what we call "Pansinisitis" (12/2021)

My sinuses are all constantly giving me trouble. When I was in the hospital they gave me augmentin. So I don’t believe there’s a bacterial problem there. Much of the time my sinuses are constantly running. And it’s mostly clear....

4 seas and more (12/2021)

Are the 4 seas something like the 6 levels? There are so many different Chi’s. Chi can become matter or energy. Is there a West concept exactly like chi ? Zheng chi Gu chi, so on. The sea of marrow...

Differeent levels (12/2021)

Can someone help me understand the “6 levels”? I do know there is the chi, nutritive or ying, blood, and wei levels. But that is different from the 6 levels. I know I have Xue in my Spleen meridian whatever...

San Jao and Dantien (12/2021)

So the san jao and dantian aren’t the same. Can someone tell me a quick difference? Or point me to somewhere where this question can be answered?

Damp, heat,cold , moisture (12/2021)

I understand heat can hold more moisture than cold. it is my understanding that damp is like a mist in the air. And water, or moisture would be like wet places on the ground in a cave for example. What...

TCM and ulcerated tissue (12/2021)

I see my gastroenterologist Wed. It’s possible that I could have a stomach ulcer. What does TCM think about this ? Is it a cold and moist condition ? Like ulcerated tissue being yin ? How is it usually treated...

Vague terms in TCM (12/2021)

I keep reading about “yin deficiency” and “Kidney deficiency”. Isn’t that a partial diagnosis? I know too if I am right that 4 needle acupuncture is only for excess/deficiency. Hum. Yin deficiency. OK does that involve a particular organ ?...

Nasal drainage abnormal? (12/2021)

IDK if this is considered normal or nor mal in some circumstances or what. Is it normal to be having nasal discharge all year long ? Everyday ? I have to walk around with napkins and such all the time....

Duodenal ulcer possibility (12/2021)

My primary care physician is thinking of ordering me a EGD. IDK if an upper GI would tell him what he wants to know or not. Something less invasive is always welcome. I have some pain in my right side....

Serotonin syndrome (12/2021)

Has anyone even treated or read about treating serotonin syndrome? It’s possible I might have that. I noticed there’s nothing about it here on the site so IDK if anyone has had any experience with it. I take way too...

Large and small intestine patterns (12/2021)

I was wondering if someone could explain these patterns to me a bit. I guess the large intestine can have hot bind and cold bind and humor deficiency. Whatever humor means in tcm. I understand Claudius Galen and Avicenna a...

Stomach acidity (12/2021)

I usually take protonix. I wasn’t taking it for a while and had to get back on it. Whew. IDK what was going on with the stomach. My stomach makes me want to vomit sometimes and it also effects me...

Nutrition for zangfu (12/2021)

Would anyone happen to have any idea what herbs/foods feed nutrition wise the 5 elements. Supplements for fire, water, ec cetra? With western herbs. that would feed the yang and yin organs wouldn’t it? Zang and fu.

5 elements theory (12/2021)

Hi I was wondering if someone could tell me if I am getting this right or not. One element is excess so there are going to be TWO that are deficient. Then, the mother and son is to also be...

Sweetners and such (12/2021)

I have to bring this up. I was reading some of Chad’s old blogs, https://blog.yinyanghouse.com/lifestyle/the-eat-like-a-human-diet to be exact. I have heard the warning about artificial sweetners. Well they’re man made that’s enough I think. But this is my situation, I...

The "Eat Like A Human" Diet (12/2021)

I have heard the warning about artificial sweetners. Well they’re man made that’s enough I think. But this is my situation, I am a very controlled diabetic. I take meds stay away from sugar and don’t have to check it....

Knee pain synptom (12/2021)

I am wondering if someone might have an idea or suggestion here. I am having right knee main as a condition. IDK if it’s joint or tendon. It is internal I believe, more than external dampness, a deficiency and yin....

Blood situations, like heart yin deficiency (12/2021)

Would it mean anything for blood to have been in the winter and for a long time hot, and able to be cooled? And then as Spring has come to us, need to be moistened. So I would assume, now...

Eczema and xue question (12/2021)

There’s two questions I have here. If the Spleen meridian has some blood what’s that mean ? And I have scallops on my tongue so I have a problem there. I also have eczema tha appears on my feet at...

Organ conditions - opinions? (12/2021)

Does anyone have any opinions on this ? Can my Lungs be ok ? Liver under active, Spleen, Heart, and Kidneys overactive ? I am not quite sure what I mean by that But more specifically, Liver yang and yin...

Tcm (12/2021)

I really appreciate your input in my posts. Feel free to talk to my privately if you like anytime. Have I read correctly that the “4 levels” have something to do with “warmth” ? Then there’s getting the organs in...

The four levels? (12/2021)

What is meant by “depth” of something. I have heard of “4 levels”. Wei chi, nutrition level, and a couple of other levels. It’s probably hard to get those yin/yang organs. The zang fu to balance each other. One tries...

Phlegm and rhuem (12/2021)

I have been doing some studying and I guess phlegm substantial and insubstantial travels with the blood but goes where blood cannot. Many things can be phlegm I guess it is the “cause of odd diseases.” If I quote right....

Liver Fire, Anxiety and Diet (12/2021)

I would like to ask your opinion on something Stephen, and I know this is your opinion. As I believe you know I have many emotional problems myself too. Can bad anxiety/panic be caused by liver fire rising? And then...

Help with TCM concept (12/2021)

I thought I would ask and hopefully someone(s) else here might be interested too. If they are as interested as me. The way I understand it, xue or blood can stagnate in the channels/meridians Humm. Blood is a physical, material...

30 Most Recent Public Forum Comments by "anon154598"

Serotonin syndrome (8/2018)

Well I do not have that. IN so far as I can tell, it’s the Kidney, spleen, liver that might have to do with mental illness. I also have heard heart. Several things. What I like is called I guess...

Damp, heat,cold , moisture (7/2018)

That helps some. So if there is a Kidney yin deficiency, it’s not an energy. Chi is yang I think. I am noticing myself I believe Soda very quickly messes up the Kidney function. Heating the Kidney would dry Kidney...

Can acupuncture cause hair loss? (6/2018)

You know Chad I can’t get a Dr. to give me a thyroid panel. They want to test the pituitary and they tell me that with it being ok, thyroid hormones will be too. I know in TCM the Kidneys...

Nasal drainage abnormal? (6/2018)

What about cold to the Spleen? Would that do it? I was thinking allergies too. Drinking a cold drink? But I take Allegra. My Eosinophils when down some. But they and most other white blood cells are up. My Hemoglobin...

Serotonin syndrome (6/2018)

Yes. TCM intrigues me. Very much. I have many posts here. And I seem to recall mentioning meds I take.

Serotonin syndrome (6/2018)

Oh my goodness. Yes Chad has read many of my posts. I wish yinyang house was here. But it’s not. I could save some money there for the community program. I have cut my SSRI a little bit too. Not...

Serotonin syndrome (5/2018)

Yes well what I appreciate about you Chad is that you not only understand TCM of course but western medicine too to an extent. You can “translate” some between patterns and western syndromes. I looked on the site and didn’t...

Stomach acidity (5/2018)

My Dr. has taken me off one hypertension med and thinks I might have a duodenal ulcer. I might have to get a GI.

5 elements theory (5/2018)

IDK of any schools around here. There is a woman that does practice and charges $170 per visit, and AFAIK there is no community program. On my $50 per week to live on. Well I think that’s out of the...

5 elements theory (5/2018)

I wish I knew a lot more. There’s a TCM “university” online that charges $600 for class. IDK if there is financial assistance but I don’t see how something like this can be simply learned online. You have to look...

Organ conditions - opinions? (3/2018)

Absolutely. Yes as usual that’s right.

Phlegm and rhuem (3/2018)

I really enjoy Chad and the other’s blogs. Things are easier to understand there. Tell me does damp heat from meat or food for example become heat ? Then move onto blockages of chi or blood via becoming phlegm or...

The four levels? (3/2018)

So when organs are dominating and all the things you mention that I inquired about. Is that when regulating is used ?

Skin disorder like WARTS in the BOdy (3/2018)

Long before TCM, I learned there is no incurable disease. You give the body what it needs to do its’ job and don’t poison it til it can’t. I have dyshydrotic eczema. Some say it’s herpes virus from chicken pox....

Phlegm and rhuem (3/2018)

I see what you mean. It’s a learning experience. I have been reading about acupuncture. My. If your good at that, that is an art.

Phlegm and rhuem (3/2018)

Officially…no. As far as I am concerned absolutely Acupuncture is ok and all. But TCM is what fascinates me. Physiology, anatomy of all kinds is great. But the patterns, Wu Xing and so on. I have mental illness and I...

Phlegm and rhuem (3/2018)

I hear too there’s friction that can cause heat. What seems complicated to me is this zangfu cycle. The way these organs fit together. Not to mention the Dx techniques. That is an art. Pulse and tongue.

Phlegm and rhuem (3/2018)

I see. I have heard heat can “cook” damp and make phlegm. Or maybe cook stagnant fluids and make phlegm ? Is that possible. Phlegm blocks chi but does it block blood too ? If I’m right phlegm I have...

Phlegm and rhuem (3/2018)

dampness becomes phlegm then? That’s what I was thinking. But there’s water, moistness too that isn’t pathogenic to my knowledge. Dryness is cleared from the stomach and moisture is returned to the stomach I believe.

Liver Fire, Anxiety and Diet (2/2018)

I’ve been bed fast before with panic and anxiety I know what it can do. And exercise is a good suggestion. IMO for anything The meds can get a bit overwhelming too.

Help with TCM concept (2/2018)

So what about this “sea of …” well I forget. We consider the brain. Didn’t they link it with emotional problems?

Help with TCM concept (2/2018)

Western science I guess assumes it’s in the brain. I believe it’s actually outside of the body, one day to move in. We will have more control of it then. There’s really no reasons to know it’s in the brain....

Organ or blood, or chi exaggerated (1/2018)

That is actually something I reasoned. My nose runs 12 months of the year. It’s really tiring. Phlegm. And I know my Kidneys are weak. Now A possible Dx a TCM practitioner says is that there is a link to...

Organ or blood, or chi exaggerated (1/2018)

Sorry Stephen I am meaning organ networks I believe here. The Lungs are exaggerated and Kidneys collapsed. And another organ network. I believe this would be the Wu xing cycle. The pattern seems to be 2 collapsed organ networks and...

Kidney mobility (1/2018)

This may answer some questions!

Kidney mobility (1/2018)

en.wikipedia.org Fascia A fascia (/ˈfæʃ(i)ə/; plural fasciae /ˈfæʃii/; adjective fascial; from Latin: "band") is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. Fascia is classified...

Kidney mobility (1/2018)

Ureters and spermatic cords aren’t near together. One kidney is a little higher than the other. I’ve seen many D.O. but never have had Osteopathic work and I am not familiar with theory like Chiropractic and Homeopathy. Very good points...

Blood overall in itself (12/2017)

Bingo! Exactly what I was trying to say. Question answered.

Diffuse fatty liver NAFLD (12/2017)

I do like rolled oats. The only real processing they have had is the grout has been pressed to cook faster. So fiber is lost. I put wheat bran in with it so the fiber is returned. But there’s a...

Liver and mother child (12/2017)

OK. I am getting the book. I don’t have a lot of money to spend on a lot of things. But this I was able to get. It should be worth it if it helps with TCM. There was another...

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