
Related TCM Herbs

Fever Is Associated With 15 TCM Herbs

Clears shao yang disorders and reduces fever - alternating chills and fever, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, vomiting, stifling sensation in the chest. Relieves liver qi stagnation (often used with Bai Shao) - vertigo, menstrual disorders, chest and flank pain, the most common herb to tre…

Drains heat and purges accumulations - high fever, profuse sweating, thirst, constipation, abdominal distention and pain, delirium, yellow tongue coating, full pulse which indicates intestinal heat excess or yang ming stage illness. Drains heat from the blood - blood in the stool from bleeding hem…

Clears heat, relieves toxicity - for any contagious febrile disease outbreak; also for fire toxin anywhere, but especially in the throat and lungs. Cools the blood, reduces blotches - skin eruptions due to heat in the blood, intense fever, irritability.

Releases muscles, clears heat - exterior disease in subcutaneous region and muscles (governed by spleen and stomach) - fever, headache, stiffness in the back and the neck. Nourishes fluids, alleviates thirst - stomach heat, externally-contracted heat. Vents measles - accelerates rash at early sta…

Drains fire, relieves toxicity - high fever, irritability, disorientation, delirium, painful, red eyes, red tongue, sore throat, boils, carbuncles, abscesses. Clears heat, drains dampness - for damp-heat in the stomach or intestine, diarrhea or dysenteric disorder, vomiting and/or acid regurgitati…

Clears heat, drains fire, especially from the upper warmer - heat patterns with fever, irritability, thirst, cough, thick, yellow sputum, hot sores and swellings. Clears heat, dries dampness - damp-heat in the stomach or intestines, diarrhea, dysentery; damp warm-febrile disease with fever, stifli…

Useful for damp heat patterns in the lower warmer, stones in the urine (damp-heat obstruction / painful urination). Eliminate fire toxins - sore throat, mumps. Useful in some cases of high fevers in infants.

Clear heat and toxins, dissipates nodules - carbuncles and hot sores, neck lumps. Expel wind-heat - fever, slight chills, sore throat, headache.

Clears summerheat - thirst (main symptom), fever, irritability; often drunk as a tea in summertime to prevent over heating. Antidote to Fu Zi.

Clears heat, generates fluids - heat patterns with high fever, irritability, thirst. Clears lung heat - cough, thick yellow sputum. Clears stomach heat - vomiting, belching. Clears heat, diuretic - dark, scanty urine, xue lin, accompanied by thirst and irritability. Encourages rashes to the sur…

Expels wind-heat (acrid), benefits throat - fever, cough, sore, red, swollen throat. Clears heat (bitter, cold), relieves toxicity, vents rashes - red swellings, carbuncles, mumps, acute febrile rashes, early stages of measles with incomplete expression. Moistens intestines (rich plant oil - slip…

Drains lung heat - cough, wheezing. Promotes urination, reduces edema - lung heat obstructing downward movement of lung qi, preventing water from moving - no sweating, facial and floating edema, fever, thirst, difficult urination. Recently for hypertension.

Expels wind, clears lung heat - wind-heat with fever, headache, sore throat; also for lung dryness causing dry mouth, dry cough, lung heat with thick and yellow sputum. Cools liver and clears the eyes - liver channel eye problems due to wind-heat or yin deficiency, red, sore, dry or painful eyes, …

Clears Heat, Cools Blood. High fever, thirst, scarlet tongue, hemorrhage due to heat in the Blood. Nourishes Yin, Generates Fluids. Yin Deficiency with heat signs with injury to body fluids. Dry mouth, low-grade fever, constipation, throat pain from yin deficiency. Cools Ascending Heart Fire (HT,…

Clears Heat, Cools Blood. Bleeding, fever, dry mouth, purplish tongue. Nourishes Yin. Particularly for the sequel of warm febrile disease with constipation, irritability. Drains Fire, Relieves Toxicity. Swollen, red eyes, sore throat. Softens Harness (salty), Dissipates phlegm fire nodules. Swol…

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