Die Da Wan - Trauma Healing Pill

Herbal Formula Database

Die Da Wan Herbal Formula Classifications and Usages

The herbal formula "die da wan" which in english is "trauma healing pill", is categorized within the "invigorate the blood" functional grouping and within the "invigorate the blood from traumatic injury" sub-category.

Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:

Useful for many types of traumatic injuries, broken bones, sprains, fractures, etc. anywhere in the body.  Also useful for fixed abdominal masses, ulcerations, sciatica, arthritis, pelvic inflammatory disease and angina among others.

In the case of traumatic injury the tongue and pulse may hold less clinical significance, for other conditions the Pulse may be wiry and the Tongue may be darker or show darkness in specific areas.

For many reasons such as availability, ecological choices, and/or price, each manufacturer or herbalist may well adjust the exact composition of a specific formula. Die Da Wan is generally comprised of the following herbs:

ViewDang Gui (Chinese Angelica Root)

Tonifies the blood, regulates menses - pallid, ashen complexion, tinnitus, blurred vision, palpitations, irregular menses, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. Invigorates/harmonizes the blood, disperses cold …

ViewDan Shen (Salvia Root)

Invigorate blood, break up blood stasis in lower abdomen - dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, palpable masses, lochioschesis, pain due to blood stasis, chest/epigastric pain, soreness in the ribs due to liver…

ViewMo Yao (Myrrh)

Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, reduces swelling, alleviate pain - trauma, sores, carbuncles, swellings, abdominal masses, painful obstruction, chest pain, abdominal pain, amenorrhea. Promote…

ViewRu Xiang (Frankincense)

Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, alleviate pain - trauma, carbuncles and swellings, chest and/or abdominal pain. Relax the sinews, invigorates the channels, alleviates pain - bi syndromes, rig…

A single formula, alone, may not be sufficient to fully address a particular TCM diagnostic pattern. Formulas may be used alone, in combinations, and/or in stages. Die Da Wan is a candidate for consideration when needing to influence liver qi stagnation.

Die Da Wan may potentially be used, in coordination with a well tailored overall approach, to influence the following conditions: back pain, neck pain, tendinitis and/or tennis elbow

Our clinical staff have made the following notes, regarding die da wan.

May also be useful for recalcitrant cases of tendonitis (tennis elbow, golfers elbow, carpal tunnel, etc.)

As noted above, die da wan is within the invigorate the blood functional group. And it appears within the sub-category "invigorate the blood from traumatic injury", which contains the following formulas:

All formulas in the primary category of "invigorate the blood" are listed below.

(truncated intro "...issues with blood circulation may lead to generalized pain and fatigue to fixed masses. the blood may also be effected by traumatic injurie…)".

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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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