Gall Bladder Meridian Acupuncture Points Study

Locations and Functions Flash Cards

Gall Bladder Meridian Acupuncture Points Study - Location and Functions "Flash Cards"

Our site currently has acupuncture point location and function information for the 44 points along the gall bladder meridian. You can use the following list of "flash cards" as a study tool by viewing the name, seeing if you remember the point location and/or functions, then clicking on the "location" or "functions" tab to check your answer.

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.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus of the eye in a depression on the lateral side of the orbit.
  • LV Yang/Heat Rising effecting the head - headache, eye problems, similar to Taiyang which is used more.
  • Local point for manifestations of heat - pain, inflammation, etc

Anterior to the intertragic notch at the posterior border of the condyloid process of the mandible (located with the mouth open).
  • Ear issues (along with TH 21 & SI 19) - tinnius, otitis media, deafness.
  • Eliminate wind locally - TMJ disorder, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, toothache

In a depression directly above ST 7 on the upper border of the zygomatic arch, in front of the ear.
  • Local point, usually for headache

Within the hairline of the temporal region at the junction of the upper 1/4 and lower 3/4 distance between ST 8 and GB 7.
  • Local Point, usually for headache

Within the hairline, midway between ST 8 and GB 7.
  • Local Point, usually for headache

Within the hairline at the junction of the lower 1/4 and the upper 3/4 distance between ST 8 and GB 7.
  • Local Point, usually for headache

On the head at the crossing point of the vertical posterior border of the temple at a horizontal line through the ear apex (1 fingerbreadth anterior to TH 20).
  • Local Point, usually for headache

Superior to the apex of the auricle, 1.5 cun within the hairline (1/2 ear length from the apex).
  • Migraine, one-sided or unilateral headaches and associated nausea, vomiting a/or visual disturbances.
  • Hangover, eases headache and harmonizes the middle jiao.
  • In the Bronze Man this point is indicated for cold & phlegm in the Diaphragm & ST, injury by alcohol & agitation & fullness with ceaseless vomiting

.5 cun posterior to GV 8, 2 cun within the hairline, directly above the posterior border of the auricle.
  • Local Point, usually for headache

At the midpoint of the curve from GB 9 to GB 11, posterior and superior to the mastoid process, at the junction of the middle 1/3 and upper 1/3 of curved line connecting GB 9 to GB 12
  • Local Point, usually for headache

Posterior and superior to the mastoid process at the junction of the middle 1/3 and lower 1/3 of a curved line connecting GB 9 to GB 12
  • Local Point, usually for headache

In a depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process
  • Dispel exterior & interior wind from the head - tinnitus, tremors in the head, occipital headache, neck rotation ROM issues.
  • Regulates and calms the spirit - insomnia

.5 cun within the hairline of the forehead, 3 cun lateral to GV 24 (junction of medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3 distance from GV 24 to ST 8)
  • Regulate Liver/GallBladder, Clear Wind, Calm the Mind.
  • Stiff Neck, Headache.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the frontal lobe.  Used on the (R) side for psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression and on the (L) side for attention related conditions such as ADD/ADHD.  Also useful for issues which come from subconscious influences.  

On the forehead, directly above the pupil, 1 cun above the midpoint of the eyebrow
  • Frontal/temporal (ST/TH area) headaches.
  • Eye issues (direct needle towards eye) - redness, swelling, itching, twitching, etc

On the head, directly above the pupil, .5 cun above the anterior hairline at the midpoint of a line connecting GV 24 to ST 8 (directly above GB 14).
  • Excessive tearing from internal or external wind effecting the eyes.
  • Sinus issues (with GV 23, Yintang a/or LI 20) - sinusitis, rhinitis

On the head, 1.5 cun posterior to GB 15, 2 cun above the anterior hairline and 2.25 cun lateral to the midline of the head.
  • Local Point.

On the head, 3.5 cun above the anterior hairline and 2.25 cun lateral to the midline of the head (1.5 cun posterior to GB 16).
  • Clears Heat and Regulates the Gallbladder.
  • Headache, Dizziness

On the head, 5 cun above the anterior hairline and 2.25 cun lateral to the midline of the head (1.5 cun posterior to GB 17).
  • Local Point.

On the head and level with the upper border of the external occipital protruberance or GV 17, 2.25 cun lateral to the midline of the head (directly above GB 20, level with GV 17).
  • Local Point.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the visual cortex. Useful for muscle/coordination problems with the eyes from conditions such as MS, Parkinson's, etc.

In a depression between the upper portion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the trapezius, level with GV 16
  • Dispel Exterior or Interior Wind - (exterior) - fever/chills, stiff neck; (internal) - paralysis, twitching, tremors, numbness, dizziness, vertigo.
  • All issues of the head, brain (seizures, memory, mental/neurological disorders), face, throat and sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue).
  • Headache, especially occipital.
  • Eye issues.
  • Issues of the neck, shoulders a/or upper back - pain, weakness, stiffness.
  • Hypertension, especially with LV Yang Rising.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used most often in conjunction with the huatuo points of C1 and C2 to open the spinal cord, generally used to relieve neck tension.  

On the shoulder directly above the nipple at the midpoint of a line connecting GV 14 and the acromion at the highest point of the shoulder.
  • Local point for occipital headache, tight trapezius muscles and/or neck/shoulder pain.
  • Phlegm related issues of the head and neck - embolic stroke, neck lumps, swollen lymph nodes, tumors.
  • Phlegm related issues of the breast and chest - mastitis, breast abscess, asthma, dyspnea.
  • Stongly influence Qi downward - useful for rebellious Qi, cough.
  • Contraindicated in Pregnancy, useful for difficult labor, retained placenta.
  • Gao Wu felt that balancing GB 21's strong descending action with ST 36's strong centering action is important.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Release the neck and shoulders and descend energy.

On the midaxillary line when the arm is raised below the axilla in the 5th ICS (directly below HT 1).
  • Local Point.

1 cun anterior to GB 22, level with the nipple in the 5th ICS.

Directly below the nipple in the 7th ICS, 4 cun lateral to the AML
  • LV & GB issues, especially involving heat and stagnation - gallstones, hepatitis, jaundice.
  • LV/GB attacking the SP - nausea, vomiting, sour belching, bitter taste, acid reflux.
  • GB related emotional imbalances - fearfullness, shyness, indecisiveness, timidity, sighing.
  • The Ling Shu indicates GB 24 (GB Front Mu) & UB 19 (GB Back Shu) for frequent indecisiveness.  

On the lateral side of the abdomen on the lower border of the free end of the 12th rib
  • Local point for pain in the lumbar a/or lateral costal region especially when presenting with a KD deficiency.
  • KD/SP Issues involving dampness - diarrhea (esp. watery/cold), bloating, abdominal distention.
  • Diuretic point - urinary retention, difficult urination, edema.
  • Uterine stones - assists passage

Directly below LV 13 at the crossing point of a vertical line through the free end of the 11th rib and a horizontal line through the umbilicus (level with CV 8)
  • GB 26, GB 27 & GB 28 are all useful points on the Dai Mai meridian which influences the GB, KD, Chong Mai, CV & GV Meridians.
  • GB 26 is most useful for women's issues - leukorrhea from any etiology, gynecological disorders, prolapses, infertility.
  • Menstrual related pains, cramping, bloating a/or migraines.
  • Local point for the lower back and waist

On the lateral side of the abdomen, anterior to the ASIS, 3 cun below the level of the umbilicus (lateral to CV 4)
  • GB 26, GB 27 & GB 28 are all useful points on the Dai Mai meridian which influences the GB, KD, Chong Mai, CV & GV Meridians.
  • GB 27 is more useful for male issues - testicular pain a/or retraction, lower abdominal pain, shan disorder

Anterior and Inferior to the ASIS, .5 cun anterior and inferior to GB 27
  • GB 26, GB 27 & GB 28 are all useful points on the Dai Mai meridian which influences the GB, KD, Chong Mai, CV & GV Meridians.
  • Local Point.

In a depression at the midpoint between the prominence of the greater trochanter and the ASIS
  • Hip pain, especially with pain radiating from the hips, sciatica.
  • Shoulder pain, using the opposite joints needling method

At the junction of the lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 distance between the prominence of the greater trochanter and the hiatus of the sacrum (GV 2), (located with the patient in a lateral recumbent position with thigh flexed).
  • Sciatica, pain, numbness, atrophy of lower back, hip, buttocks a/or lower limbs.
  • Bi (painful obstruction) or Wei (flaccidity, weakness) of the leg.
  • Urticaria, red, itchy skin issues from wind

On the midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh, 7 cun above the transverse popliteal crease, when patient is standing erect with hands close to sides the point is at the tip of their middle finger.
  • Lateral and posterior leg issues - sciatica, weakness, numbness, post-stroke symptoms of lower limbs.
  • Red, itchy, skin disorders from wind a/or dampness anywhere on the body.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Sciatic nerve issues, lower back pain, leg muscle issues.

On the lateral aspect of the thigh, 5 cun above the popliteal crease, 2 cun below GB 31, between the tendons of vastus lateralis and biceps femoris.
  • Local Point.

3 cun above GB 34, lateral to the knee joint, in a depression above the external epicondyle of the femur, between the femur and the tendon of biceps femoris.
  • Local Point.

In a depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula
  • Hui Meeting of the Sinews - useful for treating soft tissue anywhere in the body, contracture, cramping, pain, spasm, weakness, numbness, paralysis.
  • Sciatica and issues with the low back, hip, a/or lower limbs, knees.
  • All disorders of the lateral regions of the body.
  • Lower He Sea of the GB - effects GB organ, usually with GB Damp-Heat conditions, cholecystitis, hepatitis, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in mouth, gallstones.
  • Shao Yang level diseases presenting with alternating chills/fevers, costal pain, bitter taste in mouth.
  • LV attacking SP - counterflow Qi, nausea, vomiting, indigestion.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Sciatic nerve issues, leg muscle issues (cramps, fatigue), gallstones.  

7 cun above the tip of the external malleolus on the posterior border of the fibula, level with GB 36 & UB 58
  • Local Point.

7 cun above the tip of the external malleolus on the anterior border of the fibula
  • Mentioned in the Bronze Man for treating rabies w/rage, fever, convulsions - moxa 3 cones after bite.
  • Acute cholecystitis.
  • Acute painful skin conditions

5 cun above the tip of the external malleolus on the anterior border of the fibula
  • Eye issues, especially LV related - redness, itching, blurry vision, night blindness, optic nerve atrophy, cataracts.
  • Lower leg, calf a/or foot problems - dropped foot, edema, atrophy, obstruction.
  • Headaches effecting the region around the eyes - temporal, infra/supraorbital, migraines.
  • Breast issues from stagnant LV Qi - pain, insufficient lactation

4 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, slightly anterior to the anterior border of the fibula between extensor digitorum longus and peroneous brevis
  • Moving point for GB channel issues - pain, heat, stagnation along the channel.
  • Fire Point - useful for treating the fever period of Shao Yang stage diseases (alternating fever and chills)

3 cun above the tip of the external malleolus in a depression between the posterior border of the fibula and the tendons of peroneous longus and brevis
  • Hui Meeting of the Marrow - excess or deficiency conditions effecting the bone marrow, ligaments, tendons, muscles a/or bones - pain, spasms, numbness, weakness.
  • Chronic Bi or Wei syndromes especially with KD Deficiency - thought to strenghthen immunity.
  • Neck issues, stiffness, arthritis, strain, sprain, whiplash, headache.
  • Descends rising LV/GB heat - dizziness, tinnitus.  

Anterior and inferior to the external malleolus in a depression on the lateral side of the tendon of extensor digitorum longus
  • Local point for issues of the lower limbs a/or ankles - weakness, paralysis, atrophy.
  • Wrist issues using the cross joints needling method.
  • Chronic mallaria where chills are predominant

Posterior to the 4th metatarsophalangeal joint in a depression lateral to the tendon of extensor digiti minimi
  • Moves LV Qi - menstrual/breast disorders, distal point for headaches (lateral or migraines - classical mentioned for occipital or vertex).
  • As the name indicates - "foot overlooking tears," useful for eye problems, redness, swelling and lacrimation issues, tearing, excessive lacrimation.
  • Local point for lateral foot issues - pain, cramping

Posterior to the 4th metatarsophalangeal joint between the 4th and 5th metatarsals on the medial side of the tendon of extensor digiti minimi.
  • Local Point.

On the dorsum of the foot between the 4th and 5th toes, proximal to the margin of the web at the junction of the red and white skin
  • Ying Spring Point - clears heat from the entire channel.
  • Effects opposite end of the channel - headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, eye a/or ear pain.
  • GB Damp Heat stagnations in the channel - swelling in axillary region, lateral costal pain, breast abscesses, knee pain

.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the lateral side of the 4th toe
  • Insomnia especially with nightmares - LV/GB heat rising to effect the HT (fullness below the heart).
  • Issues with the sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue) related to excesses a/or stagnation - pain, inflammation, speech disorders, stiff tongue

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