Chuan Lian Zi - Sichuan Pagoda Tree Fruit

TCM Materia Medica

Chuan Lian Zi TCM Herb Classifications and Usages

The TCM herb "chuan lian zi" which in english is Chuan Lian Zi herb"sichuan pagoda tree fruit", is categorized within the "herbs that regulate the qi" functional grouping. It is thought to enter the liver, small intestine, stomach and urinary bladder channels and exhibits bitter (ku) and cold (han) taste/temperature properties.

Dosages and preparations will vary according to each individual and the overall approach of a formula, but generally this herb has the following dosage and/or preparation guidelines:

  • Dosage: 3-9g

Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:

  • Promotes the movement of Qi and stops pain - flank, rib, abdominal pain due to liver qi stagnation or liver-stomach disharmony; hernial disorders, good w/heat signs.
  • Clears heat, dries dampness, regulates qi, alleviates pain due to damp-heat stagnant qi - same symptoms as above.
  • Kills parasites and stops pain - roundworms and tape worms (primarily for pain).
  • Compare with Xia Ku Cao, Long Dan Cao, Zhi Zi for clearing liver heat function.

Chuan Lian Zi may potentially be used, in coordination with a well tailored formula (in most cases), to influence the following conditions: abdominal pain

While it may not always be included depending on the manufacturer or herbalist making the formula, chuan lian zi is generally included in the following 2 formulas:

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As noted above, chuan lian zi is within the herbs that regulate the qi functional group. All the herbs in this category are listed below.

(truncated intro "... used with qi disorders involving deficiency and stagnation. these herbs are primarily used for stagnation involving the spleen and stomach, constrained liver qi, and stagnant lung qi. )".

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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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