Acupuncture Points On The Conception Vessel Meridian

Acupuncture Points Database

Acupuncture Points On The Conception Vessel Meridian

Click to view detailed clinical information for any of the points along the conception vessel meridian. You will find location information, relationships, clinical applications, precautions and more.

If you are a student, or if you simply want to see all of the point locations and functions in one place, view our conceptionvessel meridian acupuncture point "flash" cards - study tool section.

CV Point of the Day

Stone Gate (CV5)cv5
  • Generally, useful for patterns of excess involving the lower abdomen a/or urinary tracts.  Not used as often as other CV points.
  • Mentioned classically to both cause and treat infertility, although the cause may merely be incorrect needling which is specifically mentioned.  Modern texts have largely ignored these cautions.
  • Useful for lower abdominal pain of an excess nature, genital pain/itching, shan disorders, hernia.
  • Diarrhea, undigested food in stools, poor appetite, abdominal pain, edema.  

CV Meridian Student/Usage Information
  • Internal/External Pathways
    Originates inside of the lower abdomen and emerges from the perineum
    Runs anteriorly to the pubic region and ascends along the interior of the abdomen
    Passes through CV 4 and the other points to the throat
    Ascending further it curves around the lips
    Passes through the cheek and enters the infraorbital region (ST 1)
  • Measurements Needed
    Sternal Costal Angle -to- Umbilicus (CV 8) = 8 cun
    Umbilicus (CV 8 -to- Upper Border of the Symphysis Pubis = 5 cun
    CV 22 -to- CV 16 = 9 cun
    Suprasternal Fossa -to- Intercostal Angle (level with 5th ICS) = 9 cun
  • Precautions - [all]
    CV 2 thru CV 7 - No Deep Needle in Pregnancy and No Perpendicular Needling in Advanced Pregnancy
    CV 8 - No Needling
    CV 9 thru CV 15 - No Perpendicular Needling in Advanced Pregnancy

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