Stomach Meridian Acupuncture Points Study

Locations and Functions Flash Cards

Stomach Meridian Acupuncture Points Study - Location and Functions "Flash Cards"

Our site currently has acupuncture point location and function information for the 45 points along the stomach meridian. You can use the following list of "flash cards" as a study tool by viewing the name, seeing if you remember the point location and/or functions, then clicking on the "location" or "functions" tab to check your answer.

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Below the pupil, between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge.
  • Any eye issue, although ST 2 is a good alternative and arguably safer to needle.
  • Excessive lacrimation, redness, dryness, painful a/or itchy eyes/eyelids, twitching of the eyelids.
  • Visual disturbances, night blindness.

Below the pupil, in a depression at the infraorbital foramen.
  • Any eye problem - red, painful and/or itchy eyes, excessive lacrimation, twitching of the eyelids.
  • Facial paralysis.
  • Good alternative to ST 1 and safer to needle for those not properly trained.

Directly below the pupil in a depression at the level of the border of the ala nasi.
  • Local point - Twitching eyelids, pain a/or swelling of the cheek, trigeminal neuralgia, toothache.
  • Deviation from stroke, bell's palsy, facial paralysis.
  • Swelling of the knee (Deadman text).

Directly below the pupil, lateral to the corner of the mouth.
  • Facial pain - Bell's palsy, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, deviation of mouth from stroke, toothache.
  • Inability to close the eye, eye twitching, itching, night blindness.
  • Inability to eat.
  • May be helpful for atrophy and/or movement issues within the legs.

Anterior to the angle of the mandible on the anterior border of the masseter muscle in a groove-like depression (facial artery groove), with cheeks bulged.
  • Local point - Pain a/or swelling of the cheek/jaw, neck pain, lockjaw, toothache.
  • Stiff tongue leading to speech problems, frequent yawning.
  • Inability to close eye.

One finger width anterior and superior to the angle of the mandible at the belly of the masseter muscle with teeth clenched.
  • Eliminate wind from the face - TMJ, toothache, Bell's palsy, twitching, facial pain/paralysis.
  • Loss of voice, deviation of mouth/face, lockjaw.

On the face, anterior to the ear, in a depression between the zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch, with mouth closed.
  • TMJ, facial pain, lower jaw toothache.
  • Hearing issues, deafness, tinnitus, ear pain, ear discharge/infections.

Directly above ST 7, .5 cun within the anterior hairline at the corner of the forehead, 4.5 cun lateral to the midline of the head (GV 24).
  • Classically mentioned for "splitting headache; headache w/nausea/vomiting; headache w/eye pain (migraine)" - particularly for frontal headaches.
  • Poor vision, twitching eyelids, eye pain, excessive tearing.
  • Dizziness.
  • Hair loss.

Level with the tip of the Adam's Apple on the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoideus muscle (where the pulse of the common cartoid artery is felt).
  • In ancient times the ST Qi was assessed by palpating the pulse here and at ST 42.
  • Regulation of Blood Pressure - lowering high blood pressure.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Sore throat, counterflow qi (vomiting), coughing, hiccups.
  • Acute lumbar sprain, lower back pain.
  • Window of the Sky Point - restores Qi flow between the body and the head - useful with headache, chest tightness, asthma.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the common carotid artery. With acupuncture and tuina we often use LI 18 instead as it is safer, for Tong Ren and light tuina, however, it is fine to use. 
  • Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.

Midway between ST 9 and ST 11 at the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoideus muscle.
  • Local point - swollen/sore throat, shortness of breath, goitre, scrofula.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the common carotid artery and the vagus nerve.  Useful for issues such as high cholesterol, constipation, cancer of the larynx, etc. 
  • Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.

At the superior border of the clavicle between the sternal and clavicular heads of the sternocleidomastoideus muscle.
  • Local point - sore/swollen throat - counterflow qi, cough, hiccups, reflux.
  • Neck pain - pain, inability to turn neck.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Main point to open the circulation of the common carotid artery.  Useful for conditions such as acid reflux, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, etc. 
  • Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.

In the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
  • Shoulder pain (esp. that radiates to neck).
  • Neck/throat issues - tightness/pain.
  • Cough, counterflow qi, sore, swollen throat (rebellious lung qi).
  • Internal branch of the ST meridian connects here directly from the Stomach, Spleen & Diaphragm - tonify middle warmer.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the subclavian artery.  Useful for bursitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. 
  • Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.

4 cun lateral to the AML at the lower border of the clavicle.
  • Asthma, cough, wheezing, chest distention, hiccups.
  • Local point - rib pain, inability to turn head, neck pain.

4 cun lateral to the AML in the 1st ICS.
  • Cough.
  • Sensation of tightness a/or fullness in the chest.

4 cun lateral to the AML in the 2nd ICS.
  • Asthma, chest oppression, fullness a/or pain in the chest.
  • Breast pain, distention, mastitis, abscess.
  • General pain, heaviness and/or itching of the whole body.

4 cun lateral to the AML in the 3rd ICS.
  • Chest tightness a/or pain, asthma, cough.
  • Breast pain, abscess, mastitis.
  • Swelling of the lips (with LV 3).

4 cun lateral to the AML in the 4th ICS.
  • Never needled or treated, simply a body landmark for locating points on the chest.

4 cun lateral to the AML in the 5th ICS.
  • Any issues with the breasts - mastitis, pain/swelling, insufficient lactation.
  • Chest tightness/oppression, asthma, cough.

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 14.
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting (rebellious stomach qi).
  • Gastric pain, gall bladder issues.
  • Anorexia, poor appetite.

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 13.
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, hiccups, gastric pain, vomiting.
  • Anorexia, poor appetite, diarrhea.
  • Shortness of breath, wheezing.

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 12.
  • Tonifies Middle Warmer, assists CV 12.
  • Epigastric pain, accumulations of food in the abdomen a/or palpable masses, vomiting.
  • Diarrhea, poor appetite, anorexia.

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 11.
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, gurgling in the stomach/intestines (boborygmus).
  • Diarrhea, constipation, poor appetite.
  • Edema.
  • Useful for bedwetting with HT 7 and UB 40 or LU 1 and HT 7 (deadman text).

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 10.
  • Abdominal pain, epigastric pain, bloating, poor appetite, diarrhea.
  • Shen/Spirit related imbalances related to phlegm - manic depression, irritability, anxiety.
  • Used with ST 24 for manic depression with stiff/thrusting tongue.

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 9.
  • Epigastric pain, vomiting (rebellious qi).
  • Similar effects as ST 23 on phlegm related shen issues - manic depression, anxiety, mania.
  • Used with ST 23 for manic depression with stiff/thrusting tongue.

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 8.
  • All intestinal issues - constipation, diarrhea, dysentary, distention, pain, masses/accumulations of any type.
  • Irregular menstruation, painful menstruation, fibroids/cysts, fertility issues and leukorrhea.
  • Connects the Upper and Lower Warmers (pre & post natal Qi).

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 7.
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, hernias.
  • Menstrual issues - dysmenorrhea (cramps/painful menstruation), amenorrhea (absense of menstruation), irregular cycles.

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 5.
  • Beneficial for multiple genito-urinary issues in men - impotence (erectile dysfunction), seminal emission, premature ejaculation, difficult urination, etc.
  • Irregular menstruation.
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, hernia.
  • Fear/fright with palpitations, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, etc..

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 4.
  • Excess Cold/Damp Issues of the Lower Warmer - retention of urine, inflammations.
  • Gynecological issues of an excess nature - dysmenorrhea, fibroids, cysts.
  • Fertility issues in women, cold in the uterus.
  • Expel either the placenta after birth or a still born child.

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 3.
  • Excess or Cold/Deficient disorders of the Lower Warmer - amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, qi stagnation/masses, leukorrhea.
  • Uterine prolapse, hernia.
  • Infertility, genital pain and/or swelling, impotence, seminal emission.
  • Running Piglet Disorder.

2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 2.
  • Upper Sea of Water & Grain Point - excess or deficient conditions of the Stomach - hypogastric pain, bloating, abdominal pain.
  • Regulates the Intestines - borborygmus, hernia - rectal, inguinal.
  • Regulates genitalia - swelling and pain, impotence.
  • Regulates menstruation - irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine bleeding.
  • Running Piglet Disorder.

On 2 lines connecting the ASIS and the superiolateral corner of the patella and level with the lower border of symphysis pubis in a depression with thigh flexed lateral to the sartorius muscle.
  • ST 31, ST 32 & ST 33 are all useful for Bi-Syndromes a/or Wei Syndromes (flaccidity or weakness) of the lower legs.
  • Pain in the thigh, muscular atrophy/weakness, knee pain, low back pain.

6 cun above the superior lateral border of the patella on the line connecting with the ASIS.
  • ST 31, ST 32 & ST 33 are all useful for Bi-Syndromes a/or Wei Syndromes (flaccidity or weakness) of the lower legs.
  • Muscular atrophy of the lower leg, thigh, knee pain, low back pain.
  • Beriberi (thiamine, B1 deficiency).

With knee flexed, 3 cun above the superior lateral border of the patella on line connecting with the ASIS.
  • ST 31, ST 32 & ST 33 are all useful for Bi-Syndromes a/or Wei Syndromes (flaccidity or weakness) of the lower legs.
  • Weakness, numbness, motor control issues of the leg and/or knee.

With knee flexed, 2 cun above the superior lateral border of the patella on the line connecting with the ASIS.
  • Lateral knee issues, swelling, pain, difficult movement.
  • Pain, motor control, circulation issues of the knee and/or lower leg.
  • Excess & Acute issues of the Stomach and chest - acute Stomach pain, GERD, vomiting, acute breast pain.

With knee flexed, below the patella in a depression lateral to the patellar ligament.
  • Knee problems.  Often used with heding and the medial xiyan extra points.
  • Weakness and/or motor control issues of the lower leg, atrophy.
  • Beriberi (Thiamine, B1 deficiency).

3 cun below ST 35, one finger width lateral from the anterior border of the tibia.
  • Tonify deficient Qi a/or Blood.
  • Tonify Wei Qi and Qi overall - low immunity, chronic illness, poor digestion, general weakness, particularly with moxibustion, very important acupuncture point for building and maintaining overall health.
  • All issues involving the Stomach a/or the Spleen - abdominal/epigastric pain, borborygmus, bloating, nausea, vomiting, GERD, hiccups, diarrhea, constipation, etc.
  • Clear disorders along the course of the channel - breast problems, lower leg pain.
  • Earth as the mother of Metal - will support Lung function in cases of asthma, wheezing, dyspnea.
  • Psychological/Emotional disorders - PMS, depression, nervousness, insomnia.

6 cun below ST 35, one finger width lateral from the anterior border of the tibia.
  • Generally for excess and more acute disorders of the intestines and digestive system involving dampness and/or heat - diarrhea, dysentary, boborygmus, abdominal pain, bloating, distention, constipation.
  • Sea of Blood Point - if excess the patient may have feelings of largeness, whereas, if deficient the patient may feel small.

8 cun below ST 35, one finger width lateral from the anterior border of the tibia.
  • Empirical point for shoulder issues - pain, motor control, adhesive capsulitis or "frozen shoulder." 
  • Local point for lower leg issues - pain, atrophy, numbness.

9 cun below ST 35, one finger width lateral from the anterior border of the tibia.
  • Disorders of the Small Intestine organ - abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentary.
  • SI channel problems - breast issues, mastitis, pain/swelling/numbness along channel.
  • Local point for lower leg issues - pain, numbness, motor control, atrophy.

8 cun below ST 35, one finger width lateral to ST 38, two finger widths lateral to the anterior border of the tibia.
  • Empirical point to resolve phlegm in the body anywhere from any origin.
  • Phlegm in the head - headaches, dizziness / vertigo, depression, poor concentration, stronger shen disturbances - mania.
  • Phlegm in the body - chest oppression, breathing issues, asthma, cough.
  • Plum Pit Qi, sore throat, loss of voice.
  • Issues with the lower limbs involving pain, swelling, numbness, weakness, etc.

On the midpoint of the transverse crease of the ankle, approximately level with the tip of the external malleolus, in a depression between the tendons of extensor digitorum longs and hallucis longus.
  • Opposite end of channel issues (i.e. head/face) - swelling, headache, dizziness / vertigo.
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, constipation.
  • Can aid groundedness and focus - ADD/ADHD, mania, restlessness, palpitations, epilepsy.
  • Local point for ankle issues - sprains, inflammation, motor impairment, foot pain, pain in the 1st and 2nd toes.

Between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals and the cuneiform bone, between the tendons of the long extensor muscles of the big toe and other toes.
  • Issues on the upper end of the channel (i.e. mouth/face/head) - upper mouth/teeth issues, toothache, deviation of the face as in bell's palsy or stroke.
  • Local point for foot pain - pain, swelling, redness - also motor control issues of the foot.

In a depression distal to the junction of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones.
  • Similar actions to ST 44 but used less often - will clear heat from the channel and organ.
  • Classically noted for clearing facial pain and/or edema / swelling.  May be used for general edema.
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, borborygmus, frequent belching.
  • Local point for pain and/or swelling of the dorsum of the foot. 

Proximal to the web margin between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, in a depression distal and lateral to the 2nd metatarsodigital joint.
  • Ying Spring Point - Clears heat from the channel and organ - febrile disease with absence of sweating. 
  • Useful for issues of the Face & Jaw along with LI 4 - toothache, facial pain, bell's palsy, stroke, sore throat, eye pain.
  • Damp Heat in the intestines - diarrha, dysentary, distention, abominal pain, constipation, GERD.
  • Interior heat that presents with cold signs - Feel hot but hands/feet are cold or Red tongue w/cold extremities.
  • Local point for pain and/or swelling of the dorsum of the foot.

.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the lateral side of the 2nd toe.
  • Release heat a/or move stagnation from the channel and organ - headaches, toothaches, facial pain, sore throat, TMJ, bell's palsy, facial deviation from stroke.
  • Agitation a/or insomnia w/heat signs, excessive dreaming, loss of consciousness, manic depression - calms the spirit.
  • Moves cold in the lower limbs, shin, knee.

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