Acupuncture Points On The Stomach Meridian

Acupuncture Points Database

Acupuncture Points On The Stomach Meridian

Click to view detailed clinical information for any of the points along the stomach meridian. You will find location information, relationships, clinical applications, precautions and more.

If you are a student, or if you simply want to see all of the point locations and functions in one place, view our stomach meridian acupuncture point "flash" cards - study tool section.

ST Point of the Day

Severe Mouth (ST45)st45
  • Release heat a/or move stagnation from the channel and organ - headaches, toothaches, facial pain, sore throat, TMJ, bell's palsy, facial deviation from stroke.
  • Agitation a/or insomnia w/heat signs, excessive dreaming, loss of consciousness, manic depression - calms the spirit.
  • Moves cold in the lower limbs, shin, knee.

ST Meridian Student/Usage Information
  • Internal/External Pathways
    Originates on the lateral side of ala nasi
    Around mouth and along the lower portion of the cheek
    Passes through diaphragm, enters the Stomach and connects with the Spleen
    Down the leg along the anterior border of the tibia
    Ends on the lateral side of the tip of the 2nd toe
  • Measurements Needed
    Stomach 1-30
    Nipple (ST 17) -to- Nipple (ST 17) = 8 cun
    Anterior Midline -to- ST 12 thru ST 18 on the Chest = 4 cun
    Anterior Midline -to- ST 19 thru ST 30 on the Abdomen = 2 cun Sternal Costal Angle -to- CV 8 = 8 cun
    Upper border of symphysis pubis -to- Umbilicus (CV 8) = 5 cun
    ST 8 -to- ST 8 = 9 cun
    Stomach 31-45
    Prominence of the Greater Trochanter -to- Middle of the Patella = 19 cun
    Center of the Patella -to- Lateral Malleolus = 16 cun
    Tip of Lateral Malleolus -to- Heel = 3 cun
    Lower Border of the Medial Condyle of the Tibia (SP 9) -to- Tip of the Medial Malleolus = 13 cun
    Upper Border of Symphysis Pubis -to- Medial Epicondyle of the Femur = 18 cun
  • Precautions - [all]
    ST 1 - No Moxa, Slow Insert, No Manipulation
    ST 2 - No Moxa, No Deep Needle
    ST 5 - Avoid Artery
    ST 8 - No Moxa
    ST 9 - No Moxa, Avoid Artery, No Deep Needle
    ST 12 - Avoid Artery, No Deep Needle
    ST 17 - Landmark Only, No Needle, No Moxa
    ST 42 - Avoid Artery
    All Chest Points - Oblique Insertion Only
  • Point Relationships
    CV 8 - KD 16 - ST 25 - SP 15
    CV 12 - KD 19 - ST 21
    5th ICS - CV 16 - KD 22 - ST 18 - SP 17
    1st ICS - CV 20 - KD 26 - ST 14 - LU 1

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