The acupuncture point "UB 11" , 大杼, is represented by "Da Zhu" in pinyin and "Great Shuttle" in english and may be found:
1.5 cun lateral to GV 13, level with T1.
Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:
Ub 11 has the following theoretical associations which serve as important guideposts in designing an effective treatment protocol:
Explore ub 11 functional groupings theory - Four Seas and/or Hui Meeting, or read all point categories and related theory.
A single acupuncture point is not commonly thought of as an empirical way to influence a TCM diagnostic pattern. UB11, however, is a strong candidate to be incorporated into an acupuncture protocol for patients who exhibit: Lung Wind Invasion - Wind Heat
UB 11 may potentially be used, in coordination with a well designed acupuncture treatment protocol, to influence the following conditions: Bone Cancer, Cough, Fever, Headache and/or Neck Pain
While not necessarily valid clinically, EX Huatuojiaji at T1 (T1 innervates the windpipe and affects the bone m…), GV 13 ( Special for steaming bone disorder or inflamm…), SI 12 (Local point for shoulder, scapula and/or arm pain…), SI 13 (Local point for shoulder and/or scapular region p…), SI 14 (Local point for shoulder and scapular region pain…) and SI 15 (Asthma, cough, coughing up of blood (hemoptysis).…) are nearby.
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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