Bladder Meridian Acupuncture Points Study

Locations and Functions Flash Cards

Bladder Meridian Acupuncture Points Study - Location and Functions "Flash Cards"

Our site currently has acupuncture point location and function information for the 67 points along the bladder meridian. You can use the following list of "flash cards" as a study tool by viewing the name, seeing if you remember the point location and/or functions, then clicking on the "location" or "functions" tab to check your answer.

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In a depression, .1 cun above the inner canthus of the eye.
  • Main point for all eye disorders especially from wind (internal or external), excess, a/or heat.
  • Eye pain, strain, redness, swelling, itching, twitching, blurry vision, etc.
  • Myopia, color blindness, night blindness.
  • Glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, cataracts.

On the medial end of the eyebrow, directly above the inner canthus of the eye (on the supraorbital notch).
  • Local point for sinus congestion a/or headache.
  • Red, itchy, watery eyes - allergies.
  • Use in facial massage for headaches with GB 20, ST 8, LI 4, and UB 60.
  • Glaucoma, night blindness, blurry and/or weak vision.
  • Generally, needle towards UB 1 for eye disease or Yuyao for supraorbital pain.

.5 cun inside the anterior hairline, directly above UB 2, between GV 24 and UB 4.
  • Local point for headaches, nasal obstruction.
  • Epilepsy, agitation of the heart (possibly resulting in mania or excessive giddiness).

1.5 cun lateral to GV 24, or .5 cun inside the AHL at the junction of the medial 1/3 and lateral 2/3's distance between GV 24 & ST 8.
  • Local point for headache and/or nasal issues.
  • Headaches, particularly frontal/sinus, eye pain, vision issues (dimness, blurry).
  • Nasal polyps, nosebleeds, allergies, rhinitis.

.5 cun behind UB 4 or 1 cun above the AHL and 1.5 cun lateral to the AML or 1.5 cun lateral to GV 23.
  • Local point for headache and/or eye pain.
  • Epilepsy, yang ascension issues (manic episodes, dizziness, etc.)
  • Sinus congestion, stuffy head.

1.5 cun posterior to UB 5 or 2.5 cun above AHL and 1.5 cun lateral to the AML.
  • Local point generally for headaches and vision issues - clears heat and wind.
  • Headaches particularly with visual dizziness.
  • Visual issues - blurry vision.
  • Wind-heat conditions when there is no sweating - vomiting, nasal discharge, etc.
  • Loss of smell.

1.5 cun posterior to UB 6 or 4 cun above the AHL and 1.5 cun lateral to the AML.
  • Clear wind and resolve the exterior - important point for sinus congestion, sinusitis, rhinitis, nosebleed, nasal polyps.
  • Loss of sense of smell.
  • Headaches and/or dizziness from wind and congestion.
  • Neck pain and stiffness, throat goiter.
  • Fainting, deviation of the mouth as from wind-stroke.

1.5 cun posterior to UB 7 or 5.5 cun above the AHL and 1.5 cun lateral to the AML.
  • Resolve phlegm and clear wind - nasal congestion, blurry vision, dizziness, tinnitus.
  • Calms the shen - a range of psychological conditions including depression, mania, withdrawal from lack of ability of the shen to rise.
  • Useful for removing obstructions causing Qi flow issues to the head/brain (heavy head, vertex pain, distention).

1.3 cun lateral to GV 17 or 2.5 cun above the PHL, 1.3 cun lateral to the PML in depression level with GV 17.
  • Expels wind-cold - nasal congestion, chills and fever, headaches from wind.
  • Occipital headaches and/or neck pain, heavy head.
  • Eye pain and/or redness, blurry vision.
  • Unbalanced temperature/sweating - cold sensation in head with sweats, or no sweating in heat disease.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the cerebellum (muscle coordination, equilibrium). Useful for stroke recovery, ALS, MS, Parkinson's, etc.

1.3 cun lateral to GV 15 in a depression or .5 cun above the PHL and 1.3 cun lateral to the PML on the lateral aspect of the trapezius.
  • Relieves pain - neck issues, stiffness, ROM, occipital headache. For stiffness on one-side of the neck combine with SI 3 on the same side & GB 39 on the opposite side.  Upper back pain and/or shoulder pain.
  • Clears wind and relieves exterior cold - secondary point to release the exterior in wind-cold conditions, primary is GB 20.
  • Eye pain and/or blurry vision.
  • Calms the spirit - epilepsy, manic episodes, excessive talking.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 13, level with T1.
  • Wind disorders.
  • Hui-meeting point of the bones, useful with any bone or problem such as osteoporosis, arthritis, inflammation, sensation of heat in the bones, etc.
  • Useful adjunctive point to effect the lungs in cases of infections, colds a/or flus or asthma related conditions.
  • Sea of Blood Point with ST 37 & ST 39. According to the Ling Shu Treatise on the Seas, "when the Sea of blood is full, the patient has the sensation that his body is bigger than it is. One feels uneasy, and does not know the disease; when the Sea of blood is insufficient, one often feels the body is small, one feels uneasy and does not know the disease." May be useful for leukemia, anemia, said to tonify the bone marrow.

1.5 cun lateral to GV line, level with T2.
  • Main point to expel wind from the Wei Qi level of the body, useful for early stages of wind-cold conditions (Common cold, cough, fever, headache, stiff neck).
  • Apply moxa here and on ST 36 to strengthen the Wei Qi (or the defensive layer of the body).  Strenghtening the defensive layer can increase resistance to colds and flus, but also stop the tendency of basic colds and/or flus from always going deeper in quickly, say to bronchitis or full blow sinus infections.  These types of treatments should be done when the person is not sick.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 12, level with T3.
  • Main point for all Lung related issues from a TCM perspective - tonifies LU Qi and Yin: cough, asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, weakness of the voice, consumption, steaming bone disorder, etc.
  • Useful for skin disorders, itching, acne, hives, etc.
  • Lung related emotional imbalances such as grief and sadness.
  • Qi tonification aspects can be increased with the application of moxabustion at this point.

1.5 cun lateral to the GV line, level with T4.
  • For all heart conditions: palpitations, anxiety, stress, etc. Combine with PC 6 to open the chest (as in the case of plum pit qi).  This chest pain can be psycho-emotional (i.e. liver/heart system related in Chinese Medicine terms), or it may be from simple congestion (cough, rebellious qi, shortness of breath, etc.).
  • Harmonizes the liver - as the "Jueyin Shu" you may also treat LV related conditions such as stagnation of LV Qi - depression, anxiety, panic attacks, etc.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 11, level with T5.
  • Main point for all heart related issues from a TCM perspective, blood and circulatory related issues of an excess or deficient nature.
  • Nourishes the spirit and calms the shen - main point for all heart related emotional issues: palpitations, anxiety, easily frightened (ht/kd), stress, poor memory. Useful with PC 6, HT 7, CV 14 a/or UB 14.
  • Particularly important point for insomnia.
  • Night sweats in Heart Qi a/or Yin deficiency.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 10, level with T6.
  • Hot a/or toxic skin conditions (esp. on the back): acne, boils, psoriasis, alopecia.
  • Harmonizes the qi in the chest and abdomen - epigastric pain, abdominal distention, borborygmus.
  • Chest / Cardiac pain - unbinds the chest.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 9, level with T7.
  • Hui-meeting Point of the Blood, useful for all Blood related conditions. Classically combined with UB 19 to create the "Four Flowers" which is used to nourish the Blood, although in clinical practice UB 18 & UB 19 may used equally as often.  These conditions may include coughing or vomiting of blood, blood in the stool.
  • For menstrual problems, from deficiency (scanty, light periods, amenorrhea) or stasis (dark clots, dysmenorrhea).
  • Important point for red, itchy skin disorders, from heat in the Blood: eczema, carbuncles.
  • As the "Diaphgram shu" it harmonizes the chest and descends rebellious qi - problems with diaphragmatic breathing or shortness of breath and other diaphragm related conditions such as belching or hiatal hernia.
  • Chest / cardiac pain, also psychological "heart" related conditions - manic depression.
  • A range of digestive issues, particularly those involving rebellious qi - vomiting, epigastric pain, reflux.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 8, level with T9.
  • Main point for all Liver related conditions in TCM terms - physical and psycho-emotional.
  • Physical liver issues such as - hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis.  Generalized blood stagnation, qi stagnation, etc.
  • Brightens the eyes - important point for eye problems, pain, itching, dryness, redness, blurred vision, visual dizziness, twitching, night blindness.
  • Spreads liver qi and stablizes the spirit - important point for LV related emotional issues such as anger, depression, irritability, frustration, stress a/or PMS.
  • Useful for hypochondriac a/or subcostal pain/distention.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 7, level with T10.
  • Shao Yang level diseases, alternating fever and chills.
  • Main point for damp heat in the Liver and Gall Bladder: hepatitis, cholecystitis, jaundice, vomiting, flank pain and distension, bitter taste in the mouth. Often combined with the LV Shu (UB 18).
  • UB 17 & UB 19 are classcially known as the "Four Flowers," useful for tonifying the Blood.
  • Pain along the GB meridian (sides of the body) from any etiology, intercostal neuralgia, rib pain, trauma, herpes zoster.
  • Gall Bladder related emotional issues: indecision, timidity, fear.  As well as damp-heat related psycho-emotional issues such as insomnia, anxiety (often with bitter taste in the mouth), palpitations.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 6, level with T11.
  • Main point for all Spleen problems from a TCM perspective of both the physical organ functions and the energetic/psychological relationships.
  • Physical spleen issues - distention, abdominal pain, bloating, poor appetite along with more involved conditions - dysentary, malarial diseases.
  • Blood related conditions - heavy menstrual bleeding, uterine bleeding, blood in the stools and/or urine.
  • Commonly used for SP Qi Deficiency: fatigue (can be heavy, spreading through the limbs/heaviness), lack of appetite, abdominal bloating a/or distention, undigested food in the stools, chronic diarrhea a/or belching.

1.5 cun lateral to GV line, level with T12.
  • Main point for all Stomach related issues in TCM diagnostic terms - harmonizes the stomach, transforms damp and resolves stagnation:  food stagnation, abdominal distention, borborygmus, mouth ulcers, vomiting, belching, nausea, etc.
  • Dissolve accumulations/lumps in the abdomen, combine with Pigen (point for lumps, tumors), 3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L1.  Due to the same qi stagnation resolving functions it may also be useful for pain in the chest, stomach/spleen area and lateral costal margin area.
  • As the point also regulates the upward rising qi functions, it is used for prolapse of the rectum and uses with other points for hiatal hernias.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 5, level with L1.
  • As Triple Heater Shu this point effects conditions related to imbalances between the upper and lower parts of the body especially those related to water: edema, bloating, ascites, borborygmus, difficult or painful urination, urinary retention.
  • With its ability to move water accumulations also useful for certain damp related issues in the head such as headaches and visual dizziness.
  • Uses with alternating chills and fever, jaundice and other issues involving difficulty digesting foods.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 4, level with L2.
  • For all Kidney system related issues from a Chinese Medicine perspective which effect the brain, bone, hair, teeth a/or hearing.
  • Male deficiency related sexual problems: impotence, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, sterility, exhaustion following ejaculation.
  • Female sexual and reproductive disorders: irregular cycles, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, cold uterus, frigidity, infertility, leukorrhea.
  • Tonification point in deficiency conditions: exhaustion, weakness, chronic fatique, good point for the elderly as Kidney Jing is naturally depleted.
  • Main point for acute or chronic low back pain, sprains a/or strains.
  • Useful for KD related ear issues: tinnitus, deafness, chronic ear infections.
  • Useful for dampness issues and water metabolism issues - edema, fluid retentions in the lower abdomen.
  • As the kidney system provides the root of the bodies energy many psychological conditions will respond well to tonification of this point as well - depression, anxiety disorders.

1.5 cun lateral to GV line, level with L3.
  • Generally used as a local point for back pain.  General weakness in the low back and/or knees.
  • Due to the qi moving functions in the area, may be used with hemorrhoids, dysmehorrhea and other discharges such as leukorrhea, blood stools, etc.

1.5 cun lateral to GV 3, level with L4.
  • Main point for low back pain especially when related to constipation a/or menstruation. Combine with local points such as GV 3, UB 26, Shiqizhui (between L5 and S1), UB 31, UB 32, GB 30 & distal points such as GB 34, GB 39, GB 41, UB 40, UB 57, UB 58, UB 60 & UB 62.
  • Main point for all intestine related issues: constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, IBS, etc.
  • Regulates the function in the colon so as potential uses for poor assimilation, limited weight gain despite eating many calories.

1.5 cun lateral to GV line, level with L5.
  • Local point for clearing the channel - low back pain, both as a local point and from wind invasion (possibly with UB 28).
  • Dissipates cold in the lower warmer - abdominal pain, bowel issues, abdominal masses.
  • Possibly useful for a range of urinary issues - frequency, nighttime urination, difficult urination.

1.5 cun lateral to GV line, level with 1st PSF.
  • Main point for all Small Intestine related issues.
  • Damp heat effecting the bladder (difficult or painful urination, hematuria, dark urine).
  • Damp heat effecting the intestines (diarrhea, hemorrhoids, dysentary).
  • Other lower warmer discharges - leukorrhea, seminal emission.

1.5 cun lateral to GV line, level with 2nd PSF.
  • Main point for all Bladder issues: from damp heat (painful a/or dark urination), from cold (frequent urination, incontinence).
  • For damp-heat anywhere in the body, combine with SP 9 to expel dampness through urination - diarrhea, constipation, sore back, infections and/or swellings in the lower warmer.

1.5 cun lateral to the GV line, level with the 3rd PSF.
  • Generally a local point for back pain and/or stiffness, hernia.
  • Warms the kidney yang - wasting and thirsting, lack of sweating.

1.5 cun lateral to the GV line, level with the 4th PSF.
  • Local point for low back, sacrum, tailbone and/or hip pain.  Also used for hernia.
  • Secondary point for kidney related gynecological disorders: menstrual problems, leukorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis.

On the sacrum at the midpoint of the PSIS and the PML, level with the 1st PSF.
  • UB 31, UB 32, UB 33 & UB 34 together form the "Eight Liao" points and are all useful for local low back a/or sacrum problems and most genital and urinary related disorders. Of these UB 32 is most often used clinically.
  • As it quickens the connecting vessels may be useful for blockages of defecation or urination.
  • For the functional and movement aspects for female issues such as - Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, leukorrhea.  And for male issues such as impotence, erectile dysfunction (ED), seminal emission, genital pain.

On the sacrum medial and inferior to the PSIS, level with the 2nd PSF.
  • UB 31, UB 32, UB 33 & UB 34 together form the "Eight Liao" points and are all useful for local low back a/or sacrum problems and most genital and urinary related disorders. Of these this point, UB 32, is most often used clinically.  Sciatic pain, aids mobility in the lower limbs, loss of sensation in the lower limbs.
  • OB/GYN issues: leukorrhea - particularly white, irregulary cycles, painful menstruation, blood stagnation.
  • Important point for easing labor pain a/or inducing labor (needle point, bend and tape handle to the back).

On the sacrum medial and inferior to UB 32, level with the 3rd PSF.
  • UB 31, UB 32, UB 33 & UB 34 together form the "Eight Liao" points and are all useful for local low back a/or sacrum problems and most genital and urinary related disorders. Of these UB 32 is most often used clinically.
  • In women may be used for irregular menstruation, light cycles, leukorrhea, infertility.
  • As an adjunctive point for constipation - but may also be used for diarrhea.

On the sarcum lateral to GV 2, level with the 4th PSF.
  • UB 31, UB 32, UB 33 & UB 34 together form the "Eight Liao" points and are all useful for local low back a/or sacrum problems and most genital and urinary related disorders. Of these UB 32 is most often used clinically.
  • Useful for constipation and/or pain in the lower abdomen.  Urinary difficulty.
  • In women, painful menstrual cycles (dysmenorrhea), leukorrhea and/or vaginal pain.
  • Genital pain in men.

.5 cun lateral to the GV line on either side of the tip of the coccyx bone.
  • Clears damp heat from the lower warmer - principle point for hemorrhoids, also vaginal disharges/leukorrhea, diarrhea.
  • Trauma a/or pain of the coccyx, deviation.
  • Potentially useful for impotence and/or swellings in the genitals or in the lower warmer area generally.

On posterior side of the thigh at the midpoint of the inferior gluteal crease (locate in prone position).
  • Low back pain/sciatica where pain runs down the posterior aspect of the leg.
  • Weakness of the lower limb.
  • Similar functions to UB 35 in clearing damp heat and swellings from the lower warmer - genital pain and swelling, hemorrhoids, seminal emission, difficult urination.

6 cun below UB 36 on a line joining UB 36 and UB 40.
  • Strenghtens the spine and alleviates pain - low back pain, sciatic pain, local hamstring, thigh, leg pain.
  • Also used for watery diarrhea.

1 cun above UB 39 on the medial side of the tendon of biceps femoris (found with knee slightly bent).
  • Similar functions to the bladder points on the sacrum and leg in that it relieves pain and moves the triple warmer.  Pain related issues such as pain and/or numbness in the buttocks, pain along the meridian in the thigh or outer thigh.
  • Draws heat from the lower warmer - small intestine heat, hard stools from heat in the large intestine.

Lateral to UB 40 on the medial border of the tendon of biceps femoris.
  • Harmonize the triple warmer, damp heat conditions effecting the lower warmer: disperse for difficult urination, tonify for urinary incontinence.
  • Frees the channel - lumbar pain, lower intestinal distention, hemorrhoids.
  • Swellings in the axillary region.
  • Local point for knee issues.

Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, between the tendons of biceps femoris and semitendinosis.
  • As the Lumbar Command Point, useful for all lumbar related issues: acute low back pain, sprain, muscle spasms, etc.
  • Main point for heat conditions such as summer heat, heatstroke and heat exhaustion.  Nightsweats in some cases from deficiency.
  • Main point for all skin related issues: itching, oozing, inflammation, eczema, etc.
  • Good local point for hip, leg a/or knee pain.

3 cun lateral to the GV line, level with T2, on the spinal border of the scapula. Lateral to UB 12.
  • Useful for dispelling cold and wind from the upper back and neck - neck pain, shoulder problems, arm and/or elbow issues. 

3 cun lateral to GV 12 and UB 13, level with T3, on the spinal border of the scapula.
  • Reinforce the Lung Shu (UB 13) for Lung related disorders: cough, asthma, etc.
  • Drain heat from the Lung - cough with heat, tuberculosis.
  • Local point for shoulder and upper back pain and restriction.

3 cun lateral to the GV line, level with T4.
  • Main point for all disorders of the Lung and Upper Warmer: asthma, dyspnea, cough, tuberculosis, etc.
  • Tonification point for cases of weakness and deficiency especially from chronic illness.

3 cun lateral to GV 11, level with T5.
  • Reinforce the HT Shu (UB 15) and treat Heart related psycho-emotional issues: anxiety, insomnia, et.

3 cun lateral to GV 10, level with T6.
  • Local Point.

3 cun lateral to GV 9, level with T7.
  • Local Point.

3 cun lateral to GV 8, level with T9.
  • Reinforce the LV Back Shu (UB 18) and help treat the psycho-emotional aspects of the LV: depression, frustration, etc.
  • Local poin.

3 cun lateral to GV 7, level with T10.
  • Local Point.

3 cun lateral to GV 6, level with T11.
  • Reinforce the SP Shu (UB 20) especially with damp heat conditions: hepatitis, cholecystitis, wasting and thirsting (diabetes), et.

3 cun lateral to the GV line, level with T12.
  • Local Point.

3 cun lateral to GV 5, level with L1.
  • Local Point.

3 cun lateral to GV 4, level with L2.
  • Reinforce the KD Back Shu (UB 23) for fertility issues (impotence, infertility) a/or urinary issues especially from damp heat or KD Qi or Yang deficiency (incontinence, dribbling urine).
  • Local Point.

3 cun lateral to the medial sacral crest, level with the 2nd PSF.
  • Local Point.

3 cun lateral to the GV line, level with the 4th PSF.
  • Sciatica especially if pain radiates along the posterior aspect of the leg.
  • Five Lin (Painful Urination) disorder.

2 cun directly below UB 40 between the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius, on a line joining UB 40 - UB 57.
  • Local Point.

5 cun below UB 40 on the line connecting UB 40 - UB 57, midway between UB 55 and UB 57 in the center of the belly of the gastrocnemius.
  • Local Point.

8 cun below UB 40 in a pointed depression below the gastrocnemius when leg is stretched or heel is lifted.
  • Main point for hemorrhoids from any etiology.
  • Main point for pain, swelling a/or cramping of the calf.
  • Heel a/or foot pain from trauma but also from paralysis a/or neurological disorder.

7 cun directly above UB 60 on the posterior border of the fibula about 1 cun lateral and inferior to UB 57.
  • Releases the exterior for wind/wind-cold conditions, especially useful when accompanied with neck stiffness a/or occipital headache.
  • As Luo Connecting Point, which connects to the KD, useful for chronic low back pain, especially with weak lower limbs and KD deficiency.
  • "Excess above with deficiency below," weak low back w/tight stiff neck a/or low back pain with weak lower limb.

3 cun directly above UB 60.
  • Acute pain a/or spasm of the Bladder a/or Yang Qiao meridians.
  • Lateral ankle sprai.

In a depression between the tip of the external malleolus and the achilles tendon.
  • Main point for pain anywhere along the spine (UB 40 may be used more for pain in the middle of the spine).
  • Main point for chronic low back pain a/or problems of pain a/or numbness in the lower limbs.
  • Main point for headache and other excesses effecting the head.
  • Induce labor or promote discharge of a retained placent.

Posterior and Inferior to the external malleolus, directly below UB 60, lateral to the calcaneum at the junction of the red and white skin.
  • Local Point.

In a depression directly below the external malleolus.
  • With SI 3 for low back pain, difficulty walking, spinal problems as well as wind-cold effecting the taiyang channels: stiff neck a/or shoulders, occipital headache, etc.
  • Insomnia, nervousness (especially late at night), combine with KD 6.

On the lateral side of the foot, directly below the anterior border of the external malleolus, on the lower border of the cuboid bone.
  • Local Point.

Below the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone at the junction of the red and white skin.
  • Has a relationship to the Heart and Spirit, good distal point for palpitations, chest pain, irritability, mental confusion.
  • Local Point.

Posterior to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint at the junction of the red and white skin.
  • Local Point.

Anterior to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint.
  • Local Point.

.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the lateral side of the little toe.
  • Clears pain a/or stagnation from the opposite end of the channel: headache, eye pain, sinus pain, etc.
  • Use with moxabustion to adjust breech fetal position (generally indirect moxa for 10-20 minutes 1x/day).

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